aye yo idfk what to call this chapter lol

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hello children!

idk what this chapter is gonna be about

(even though im writing it)

so i apologize if this chapter is a bit weird

enjoy ig 


Tinas POV

I was watching anime when i heard someone knock on my bedroom door. I walked up to go open the door. I would normally shout "come in!" but i locked my door. when I said I was watching anime I was also watching something close to anime too. (Its hentia for those people who didnt understand what I was tryina say) I unlocked the door and opend it to see Meowscles. 

"aye yo bro wassup." I smiled. "Nothing much I just wanted to know where Midas was." Meowscles replied. "I dont know have you checked your back pockets? Because his hand may be in there." I giggled. "har har." Meowscles rolled his eyes in a playful mannar. "Im seriouse though. I looked in his room, my room, his office, the kitchen, lounge room, outside, and so many other places." Meowscles kinda sounded worried.

"Its ok man. He maybe jacking off in a closet to gay porn or somthin." I said while looking the cat man in the eyes. "Think of it Tina! We blew up the Grotto. And Shadow wants revenge. So what better way to get it than stealing Midas." Meowscles passed back and fourth next to my door. 

"BROOOOO. Chill out my man. He hasent even been gone for 4 hours and you fidda call a search and rescue team for him. And even if shadow took him its not like its the first time. He can handle it. If hes gone for another day than we'll look for him at the shadow base. Also its 5 in the fucking morning! What the fuck are you doing up looking for him?" I asked. 

"Wait..." Meowscles paused. "How did you know that Midas has been gone for less than 4 hours?" He asked me. "We hung out in the lounge room for a while. Apparently he couldent go to sleep. So he went down to chill. And than at like... I dunno... at 3 am he went to the kitchen to grab some red whine. And by the way, who the fuck likes red whine?" I told him. 

"Midas, Midas likes red whine." Meowscles told me. "I pufure white whine myself." I said with a smirk. "Where did Midas go after the red whine?" He asked. "He went back into the lounge room with me. But he spilt the whine on his white tee (tehe corpse joke hehe). After that he went to go get another shirt on. I was waiting for him until like another hour passed so I left the lounge room to go watch hent- I mean anime." I slightly laughed.

"I see..." Meowscled put his hand on his chin. "Quick question." "sure" "what website do you use to watch hentia?" He asked me. "why are you asking me?" I looked at him with a 'WTFFFFFFF' look. "A- anyways..." He continued. "If he left to go get on another shirt and didnt come back it would make sence if shadow took him at that time."

"But this place is heavily guarded. It wouldnt be that easy to steal the twig." I muttered. "True... Im just worried about him." Meowscles looked at the ground. "How about we go look for him now if it makes you feel better." I say while grabbing his hand so he would look at my face."  

He smiled at me and walked off to look for his boyfriend. I followed him. we walked all over The Agency to find him. Every possible spot that a gay tall skinny man that runs a spy company could ever hide we looked at and or in. There was only one possible spot that Midas could be in.

I walked over to the janitors closet and opened the door. "Aye yo I found your boyfriend!" I called out for Meowscles. He came running. "Huh... thats a funny sleeping position." He said while grabbing his phone to take a picture. Midas was sleeping on the floor with his face smashed on the floor and his butt in the air. (A/N: His THICCCCCCCC butt lol) I kinda laughed at this funny situation.

Midas had a white shirt on with whine still staied on it. "Mystery solved!" I said while putting my hand up for a highfive. He slapped my hand. "Alright good night my dude Imma watch my anime in my room." I said while walking off. 

Meowscles POV

I picked up Midas and walked over to my room. As soon as I waked inside of my room I set the twig onto the bed. I took off his shirt and threw it somewhere. I placed him onto my bed and I got in with the toothpick and fell asleep.


thats all for now kids

thanks for reading

I didnt know what to do with this chapter




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