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"Just in time for dinner." I told him.

"Ooh this looks great. I love your fried chicken it's always good." since I was alpha they waited for me to dig in before reaching for food. I gave them the full run down I'd gotten from Ian and then told them Iggy had found a house and let him fill in all the details. I noticed as we ate that Iggy seemed to love the fried chicken.

"Something like that is gonna cost a pretty penny, just how do you figure on getting it? Gonna ask Silver lake Alpha?"

"No need." I said chuckling. I looked at Iggy who stopped and stared at me. No doubt wondering what I would tell them. "We have our very own Daddy Warbucks." they looked at Iggy.

"Luna, your rich?" he was blushing.

"Just an inheritance from my mom. She had been very good at business."

"What kind of inheritance?" Dad asked. Iggy shrugged.

"Almost nine figures." I tell them. Carver choked on his water and started coughing.

"Luke." Iggy said my name almost as I plea, no doubt hoping that I'd not tease him about it or make a big deal about it.

"It's a good nest egg. Our pack won't have to worry about not being able to support ourselves or not have a decent place to call ours. It'll need a little work I have a feeling but it will be good for us. We can claim a large territory between silver lake and green wood. I won't claim it all a buffer of neutral territory between them and us will be good."

"It sounds great. I was a little nervous when we first came here, you were awfully young, but you are a great alpha. I think we're lucky to have you." Carver told me smiling. I knew I was blushing but I kept a straight face and nodded a thank you.

"So is there desert to go with this?"

"There's ice cream sandwiches if you want." I told them getting laughs. Since I cooked the brothers cleaned up. As I sat watching the TV, well watching was liberal, I was staring at it thinking about the house, the pack, being an alpha and how it all tied together. I was contemplating my future as alpha and wondering if I needed to rethink college. Sure Iggy had plenty of money and could support the pack well, but it rubbed me wrong to let him bare that alone. If I went I could get a better job. We all worked. With the house bought out of his money we could support the day to day bills just fine. But what kind of future job did I want? My dad had kept telling me to just follow my interests. My interests lay in protecting my pack and family. I didn't have something that I wanted to do beyond that. Trevor had his interests in being a mechanic. Dad was very happy as a cop. Carver enjoyed his work it was intellectual and kept his active mind busy. Iggy was interested in computers but, what about me? I sighed and scratched at my cheek. It was annoying. There had to be something, anything.

"You okay son?" dad asked. I looked at him. While I had been thinking he'd obviously had a shower and was now in his sweats.

"Just thinking."

"You know I'm a good board to bounce things off of." sure I'd done that a lot in the past but I was a mated alpha now this was my responsibility. Sure he was my beta but he was on restriction right now. If I did want to talk it felt more right that I talk to Iggy about it.

"No thanks. Just something I'm tossing around." he nods. Iggy picked up the remote and started flipping channels. I smiled as he wiggled around then leaned across my lap his head in his hand as he flipped through and finally settled on one of the nature channels. There was a special on the deadliest snakes in the world. Ignoring the TV I put one hand on his hip the other I started carding through his hair. I let the simple movement settle the jumble in my mind. It still wondered around the problem of my future but it wasn't the mountain of worry now. I did feel so lucky to have him.

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