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The pack breakfast was a full house and noisy affair. We talked with them about the new laws. If ones wanted to join, and answered all the questions they had about the future. As we got ready to leave that after noon I got several thank you's and several mentioned how grateful they were that Emmy was always around anytime they needed anything. I passed on what they said as we drove home. The first thing we did when we got home was kiss and hug our kids. We'd decided not to mention the forgotten condom to them unless Emmy really was pregnant. I was really hoping she wasn't. we'd lost a baby and I was worried about having another. I was also worried about how Alex would take it. With two weeks until the wedding we concentrated on making sure that was ready. We looked into the houses and put in offers for them. One was ready for occupancy if we got it the other would be ours in a couple weeks.

I took Don, Iggy and Alex to buy tuxes. As the wedding got closer we ordered the cake went over all the arrangements for it multiple times. Worked out logistics, security, guests, every little detail was gone over again and again to make sure it was ready. Emmy took a test and we dodged a bullet. One less thing to worry about.

"I won't force you to leave. This is public land but stay off the property during the wedding and if you cause a Saturday morning. It was our wedding day. My mates had been kidnapped by Ebony, and the other pack girls to stay at the farm last night. I'd have been alright if I at least had the babies but they'd taken the kids with them as well. I was headed to the location. While I made sure that everything was ready they got ready in the tent set up at one end of the garden for them. I wasn't even allowed to see my babies because my mates had them and I wasn't allowed to see them. As noon got closer guests started arriving. I was told to dress and I entertained and got tons of congratulations. The entire wolf council was there members of their packs, members of packs from all around me, kids from school. Heads of myriads of different peoples. I'd been called Highness more today than I ever wanted to hear.

The only trouble we were having was we had a bunch of wolves that were being a nuisance to guests coming in. I was heading out with Richard and a few wolves to find out what was going on. There were a dozen wolves outside the entry. When I stepped out a male stepped forward.

"Is there some reason you are crashing my wedding?" I ask.

"You are marrying two wolves, you don't have any right to taint them with your blood."

"I'm marrying four if you count the two that are half wolf but then you probably don't. Does the fact they are goddess blessed mates mean anything to you?"

"Half breeds are not our concern, only one of the two is a goddess blessed mate. Supposedly. We want to talk to them."

"Sorry but my mates are busy getting ready. You'll have to do with me." I looked around at the wolves. Most were males only three were females. All were beta's but the one I spoke to. He was an alpha but I was sure he was heir not head of the pack yet. "If you want I'll pass on a message to them."

"And trust you to actually tell them the truth of what we say, I don't think so."

"Just for good measure why don't you tell me what you want them to hear and I'll decide if I care or not."

"We want to offer them places with us if they want to ditch you and your supposed connections." I chuckle.

"I'll let them know what you said but I'm pretty sure they'll tell you to go away. Well Emmy will say to fuck off but Alex would say to go away. I want this day to be happy for them. That means keeping disruptions from happening so fair warning, keep off the property. I have plenty of security who will make sure you do." My eyes kept flicking to one of the females. There was something about her that kept drawing my attention. She was beautiful there was no doubt about it, but why was she catching my attention so much. My pup was very interested in her. Suddenly I realized why. Mate. She was another mate. Yeah I was pretty sure that she wasn't going to care. She was a powerful beta I could feel her. She'd have the strength more than likely to say no to me. I'd never turn a mate away. If she knew it was goddess blessed would it matter to her?

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