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"Is he really alright?" Honey asked. Both she and Alex had fear and tears in their eyes.

"We're gonna find out." I was laid on the bed and Doc looked me over.

"You've got a bruise developing here." he said of the purple mark under my belly button. "What else? How many times were you struck?"

"Just the once. I kind of went a little... well, I'm sure you can imagine how I was. They died quickly." he pulled the sonogram up and looked it over.

"Well, your little bean is just fine. I don't think it even woke them up." I heard a lot of relieved sighs to go with my own. Iggy retch over and pinched me hard.

"You jerk do you know what I went through with this the first time. Do you have any idea the fear I had thinking you might have to feel what I did. I could strangle you."

"i know I'm sorry. I don't think I thought about it as thoroughly as I thought I did. I'm sorry I've already promised don not to stray from home much and let lots of guards come if I do have to go anywhere."

"Good not like you are getting out of that one even if you tried I'll tie you to the damn bed. You have five mates who felt the fear of losing a baby. Don might be the bio dad but you know this baby belongs to all of us." Emmy and Honey let out little sobs.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." I said. I had a feeling I'd be saying for days not only to them but to the baby. I'd risked their lives. The trailer door popped open and Richards head came into view. Emmy stood.


"Paul is sending two enforcers to go with us. We've got a meet point just out of their territory and we'll all go to their pack alpha together."

"Uh Emily what's going on?"

"As co alpha I'm exercising my authority. I'm sure you told them you were pregnant right?"


"They attacked anyway." Don said.

"Then the lives of the wolves who attacked are forfeit and the life of their alpha if it was authorized. Carver, your dad, Trevor, Brice, as well as Richard and a few wolves that can make it are all going in force. Richard called Paul for us and obviously he's giving council authority to make sure the law is followed."

"I'm back. stirring up more trouble..."

"oh no you don't..." Don said growling. "It's not stirring up trouble. It's enforcing the law. Wolf as well as dog law since I know you are carrying the same law over." he was right but...

"I don't want the pack getting hurt."

"The pack is going in force to assure that if any trouble is had that no one is hurt beyond what is necessary. We are, until Friday, still under wolf council law. We'll make sure that by the council enforcers going that the wolf pack can't cause future trouble with this." Emmy told me.

"You know that we are calling off tonight's date now right?" honey says. I sit up quickly.

"But, I have plans for that. Can't we go anyway? We'll take wolves, Ian would loan a few, or Jake."

"Surely it can wait a week or three?"

"This weekend is shot, next weekend I've got lined up for the wolf pack, the weekend after that is the week before the wedding are you really gonna let me plan a date and not back out of it?" I ask raised eyebrows. They all shared looks.

"Yes. By then the trouble will be past and if it's not don can go with you and play body guard." Emmy says. "Hell we'll send Iggy too of necessary."

"Good I want that date." I pulled honey and Alex in for kisses.

I'm debating between a shower or just sweats and some TV when a sharp pain goes through my stomach. I gasp and double over on the bed. All five of them are shouting for the doc who was half way to his car. The pain is slicing through my stomach.

"No. Please no." I groan out. The doc is back quickly and pulling at me.

"I know it hurts Luke but I need to check you out." I let him pull my hands away and he's got instruments out of his bag. "Undress him." the doc orders. I'm not sure who it is that strips my boxers from me.

"Doc you said it was fine." Don says. I can hear the panic in his voice.

"I did." I look at Iggy and see my pain mirrored there.

"Iggy?" I ask my mate. He glances at me then back down where doc is working between my legs.

"Doc please. Can't you do anything?"

"No. It's to late." he says solemnly. I just lay there knowing I was losing another baby. When the pain recedes I look at the doc.

"You said it was fine."

"You were. I don't know why this happened. Physically it shouldn't have happened."

"Let me call Ephraim." Iggy says. His voice is hallow as he speaks then tells Ephraim what happened.

"I'm sorry Luke. I had hoped that you would be the exception."

"What are you talking about?"

"After talking to you yesterday I decided to do some research see if there were any cases of this anywhere. I did find a few but..."

"But what?" I prod.

"Apparently despite the confusion in your body that allows you to get pregnant every alpha who has ever been in your position has never been able to carry a baby to term." ice froze my blood stopped my heart and my breath.

"What do you mean?"

"Each time it happened they miscarried. No matter how careful they were, they switched roles with their Luna's. they tried many things but there it seems that despite being able to get pregnant the alpha is unable to carry the baby. An alpha is protection you can't protect if you are pregnant."

"So even had I not been in the fight I still would have... lost the baby?" I heard myself ask.

"Yes. I was hoping given how outside of normal you seem to be that you would be the exception to this but i guess we found the line. I'm so very sorry Luke."

"So even if we tried again it would just... I would just... lose them again?"

"Yes." that dream I'd let breath and grow of having that little girl with Donavan's eyes broke to a million pieces and blew away. I looked at him. He stared into space. I wasn't sure what he was thinking. I could guess at only part of what he was feeling. I felt a hand take mine and looked to see Iggy. He was pale and pain was all over his face. I pulled my hands from him and don. I slid back on the bed away from my mates. I didn't want sympathy. I didn't want the platitudes and assurances that it would be alright.

"I think I should rest." I say quietly. Emmy nods and starts prodding the others out of the room. Don and Iggy are the last to leave. I can see they want to stay, they want to help but they turn and leave. I didn't want to think about it. Feel it I wanted to forget it and be numb. I closed my eyes and was glad when I felt myself drift toward sleep. It was dark out when I woke. Emotion settled in my throat and choked my but I didn't want it, not yet. I closed my eyes again and willed myself to sleep again. When I woke again I wasn't alone. Emmy lay on one side and Honey on the other. I slipped from the bed went to the bathroom then grabbed some shorts. I stepped out of the trailer. I needed movement. I started laps around the house. The second floor was coming into shape. I looked at the house as I made lap after lap.

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