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"I have no excuse for my behavior. I knew how you felt about me. I know I didn't have any right to make love to you but..."

"What are you talking about? I might have been in heat but I was fully aware of what was going on. I told you I wanted you. Did you think I was lying?"

"Heats make a person loopy. I couldn't take anything you said for reality. You'd refused me as mate and I was going to respect your wishes. I won't claim an unwilling mate. You were unwilling but you would have died so I made love to you so your heat would pass and you could go your own way. With no real consent it was little more than rape. I hope you can forgive me. Though I understand if you can't."

"Rape? I don't think a man who can't even get it up for me when I'm in heat can call it rape. Which mate did you have to think of to be able to have sex with me?"

"You were in heat it works on me you know that."

"Oh please. If it were the heat it wouldn't have taken you so long to fuck me. But tough luck bucko you are stuck with me you have my claim mark on you. Don't think I didn't notice you never claimed me in return."

"I won't claim an unwilling mate and you had refused me in a very graphic manner."

"Of course I refused you. It was your kind that killed my sister. You are mated five times over and married them yesterday." she refused me but was here, she was still refusing me but then why come here at all? "You are an already claimed mutt but not just any Mutt, the king mutt."

"If you don't like me why are you here?" I demanded angry and exasperated.

"You are my mate and I claimed you."

"You are strong enough to refuse me. The link will fade."

"Fat lot of good it'll do me. No one will want me when they learn that I have a goddess chosen mate. You are stuck with me. I suggest we make the most of this." The alpha stepped up and dropped a duffle and suitcase next to her.

"Gerard will make sure your things are shipped here to you." He tells her.

"Are you casting her out?" I ask.

"No. She chose to come here."

"You should stay with your pack." I tell her.

"And be a pariah? No." she looks to the trailers. "Where should I sleep?"

"Back home where you belong." I tell her crossing my arms over my chest. She didn't want me. She was here because she didn't think her pack would want her anymore. She'd claimed me and figured I wouldn't turn her way so she'd come here. She was wrong I wasn't claiming an unwilling mate. Her pack wasn't kicking her out, why was she doing this?

"You can stay in trailer three there are bunks in the back." I turn and stare at Iggy. He was just going to let her stay? When had he come out?

"She's made it clear she hates me and doesn't want to be here. She should go home."

"Thank you." she told Iggy and then thanked her alpha before taking her bags and storming off. The alpha sighed.

"She's been pissy since she woke up. I understand that you and my son were only doing what you thought best but it might have been better to just let her die." I couldn't do that. Even if she hated me I didn't regret making sure she didn't die. He turned and left without another word. I growled.

"She hates me doesn't want me, to be mated to me or be here so why is she here?" I was trying really hard not to feel rejected a second time.

"She did put her claim on you and she is right that given why her pack was here to begin with, they may not be happy to have her anymore. Are you going to run her off?"

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