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"He's not gonna want it. Who in their right mind would." I looked at Don. He'd been smiling all day. He was -currently leaning on the end of trailer one a little distance back from the group. We had pack and wolves spread all over the area upfront of the three trailers that were abutted. I stood and ignored the few looks I got and went to him. I slid an arm around his waist.

"You've been quite for awhile. You okay?"

"I am really good. I've learned so much about her today. I've wondered all my life about the kind of woman she was, if she loved me, if she had wanted me at all. Iggy told me stories about her. She wanted me, but I was a dog. I'd be an outcast to the snakes so she'd given me to dad where I'd have a place. He used to tell me he was glad i was there not only to have a son but to always have a piece of her. She was a singular woman to have so many people that loved her." I kissed his cheek. He turned and took my lips. I just flowed into the kiss. When we separated I tugged him over and into the chair before sitting on the ground between his legs. It felt good to have him right there.

"What?" I heard him say. I turned and followed his gaze toward Iggy who was watching us.

"I feel kind of bad about how I acted when you got here." Don laughed.

"Don't worry little brother, it's all water under the bridge."

"You're gonna milk this 'little brother' title aren't you."

"Absolutely." suddenly Hileena jumps up and starts waving her hands at us.

"Yes?" I question.

"You said you were descended of kings, that makes you a king right?" I saw my pack jerk to look at me.

"Uh, technically."

"Alpha, what?" Carver prods.

"The council did a genealogy on me. It's complicated but suffice it to say that I'm directly descended of kings. And technically am one. I have just been neglecting to worry about that until we had a firmer hold on who our enemies were." I saw dad staring at me. I knew he was gonna be upset I didn't tell him. "What's that got to do with this?"

"You are a king, he is your Luna and for all intents and purposes your queen and can not be king of his own people."

"Great we have another reason he's safe. I'm sure there's more from the way you are bouncing around."

"That means that Nate cannot inherit the snake throne either because he is your son not only Iggy's. He could potentially inherit yours instead right?"

"I'm not sure. As far as dog laws nowadays their aren't any. The ancient laws only said that the heir to the throne had to be blood offspring of the king. Though I think they took it for granted that it would be a dog given the kings mated dogs only, as far as I can tell."

"So, it's possible if you wanted you could make him king or even split the position between your sons?"


"Then all we have to do is tell my father that, explain it. By our laws he isn't eligible for the throne. Even if Iggy changed his mind and wanted the throne he'd never be allowed to take it because he is your queen and that would put you head of our people and they'd never stand for that."

"Uh there's just one more problem. For this to really work I'd have to claim the title I've been avoiding. And make known a history of my people that I'm not sure anyone is really ready to hear."

"What do you mean?" she asks.

"it's complicated."

"Surely not so much that you'd endanger the lives of you mates and children."

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