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I didn't like him mad at me. When we got home I was told that Emmy was in the trailer. The new fence was in and complete including the back gate going into the woods and the front gate for the driveway. I sat the bag for Iggy on the counter as I entered the trailer and took the flowers in to Emmy. She was laying on her side in the middle of the bed. I tucked them in front of her as I sat behind her. I saw her wipe her cheeks then reach out and take the bunch. I'd gotten every color of iris they had.

"They're beautiful." she says and sits up.

"Emmy, I love you. I want to marry you I don't know how to convince you of it."

"You don't need to." she sighs and leans toward me to hug me. "I know you do. I don't know why it's bothering me so much. I know you love us. I know you want so much for us. You'd never cheat on us, never. I know that but I still feel like we must have done something wrong. That we aren't enough."

"No. Hey I love you. You are more than I ever thought to have. Either one of you. When Iggy agreed to be my mate I thought I hit the jackpot, when I realized that not only did he want me but you did as well that I wanted you that I had found a second wonderful mate I was... flabbergasted, stunned, ready to kiss goddess on the lips. I love you. Honestly I'm not sure i could handle a third person, goddess blessed or not." she giggled.

"I love you too." she lifted the Iris's. "These really are beautiful."

"Not as much as you."

"Aw, that's so sweet... and corny." I laughed. "Did you get Iggy flowers too?"

"He's never struck me as a flower person so I went another direction." I sighed. "Do you know where he is?"

"Follow the torn bushes. He was kind of pissed." I nodded. She followed as I gathered the bag. She held her flowers gently. I was glad she liked them. The damaged underbrush led me to Mel who sat in her dog shape beneath a large oak.

'Alpha.' she greeted.

'How has he been?' I asked her in the link.

'He was crying earlier. Wouldn't talk to me.' I nodded. I walked around the tree until I saw his head.

"Iggy, Iggy baby?" he shifted turning his head away from me. "Iggy. About what happened..."

'Save it. I don't care.' he told me abruptly. I saw him move and he headed further up the tree. He was really hurt.

"Please Iggy, you know I love you. Don't you?" there was no response. I sighed taking off my clothes down to my boxers I did a half shift and climbed up the tree. I climbed until I was sitting an adjacent limb to where his head was. He glared at me before he turned his head away.

'Go away you cheater.'

"I did not cheat on you. He kissed me, then avoided me the rest of the day. Even sent the papers I asked for at one point up with a different assistant." I was sure it'd be a lot of that until he got over his own embarrassment and was sure I wasn't going to fire him. Though... "I'll get a new assistant first thing tomorrow. I'll find the oldest secretary I can who thinks I'm just a cute but annoying kid." I told him. "I'll make sure they are old and craggy and smell like ointment all the time. I'll write taken on my forehead every morning before I go to work." I saw him shift and an eye look at me. "We'll go first thing after work and get you me and Emmy a portrait done. I'll make it six feet tall and hang it behind my desk so that everyone knows that I have two beautiful, wonderful, pregnant mates that I'm engaged too." he shifted to look at me fully. "Ignacio, I love you. I don't want anyone but you and Emmy. I can't promise it'll never happen again after all I don't dictate other peoples actions. I can promise that no matter if the goddess herself comes down and offers herself to me, I'm only going to want you and Emmy."

The Alpha's MatesWhere stories live. Discover now