The Music Festival

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Nothing? Seriously? 

My initial searches into Akira's family were frustrating, to say the least. I thought surely I would find something to tell me what it was that her grandmother had almost mentioned when I had last met with her. Apparently, there was something very hush about their family, but what that was I wasn't sure. There just wasn't any information. The only thing that I could find was that Akira's grandmother had taken control of their company back from her father when she was about 13 years old, but there wasn't any more information than that. The last time Akira competed in a music festival was about the time that the CEO change happened. Perhaps that could be it?

.     .     .

The week was passing by quickly, it was Friday, and I was no closer to convincing Akira of anything. After coming up with nothing the past few days, I decided to see if I could get anything from Akira herself. I figured the host club might be a good time to talk to her, since we were just having a planning meeting, but that didn't really go as planned.

"Hey Kyoya!" I heard Akira's cheerful voice behind me.

"Akira." I acknowledged her while continuing down the hall still somewhat consumed by my thoughts.

"Do you hear yelling?" Akira mused from beside me.

I pulled out of my reverie and noticed the said yelling coming from behind the music room 3 doors. Great.

I pinched my nose and closed my eyes in frustration, "Probably Tamaki up to something again."

"At least the club is closed today." She spoke softly. I felt a gentle pat on my arm, before Akira's footsteps grew further away. As she opened the doors, we could hear more clearly the conversation. 

" totally better than you'll ever be!" A glaringly confident, and familiar, voice filtered through.

As we entered the room, we could see Tamaki and Rohi Suru practically nose to nose. Tamaki looked slightly bewildered and frustrated, while Suru just looked like his regular smug little self. Great, just great. 

"What is he doing here? I thought he attended the other private school across town?" I growled, as the shouting match between the two continued.

"He does." Akira mumbled, "Tamaki was saying something about fighting his arch nemesis at the festival in two weeks. Now I understand why he was so riled up."

"Indeed. Speaking of the festival..." I started, looking down at her.

"Yes?" She met my gaze with curiosity.

"I think you should go." I stated, matter-of-factly.

"Oh, really?" She frowned. Odd. 

"Well, yes." I stated, for lack of words.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I don't do those anymore." She stated bluntly, looking away.

"But, why don't yo--" I was cut off by a close presence.

"Ah, Akira! Lovely to see you again!" Suru abruptly swept Akira away to one of our couches. The little...

"Tell me," he continued, looking too comfortable next to her, "I could definitely win against the buffoon Tamaki over there, right?"

"Well, actually-" She started, looking annoyed at being dragged away.

"I'm definitely right." He interrupted. 

"You are not!" Tamaki shouted indignantly.

Suru was getting much too close to Akira, and before I realized what I was doing I had sat down on the other side of her and pulled her onto my lap away from him. 

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