Physical Exams Pt. 2

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"We will begin conducting physical examinations shortly. All students please report to the clinic in your respective school building." the voice spoke over the intercom.

I met up with Haruhi and the twins in the hall, "Hey Haruhi! Are you ready for examinations?"

"Not really, what exactly do they do during physical exams here at Ouran anyway?" Haruhi asked.

"It's no different than an exam that you'd get at any other school," Hikaru began.

"Yeah, why would things be any different for us just because we're rich?" Kaoru finished.

"You're right, I didn't think about it that way." Haruhi seemed relieved.

I wouldn't believe them so easily Haruhi... I knew what things were like for those in positions of wealth, and from what I had heard from was nothing alike. She was in for a bit of a surprise. I watched for her reaction as the doors opened, letting us into the clinic.

What seemed to be an endless line of doctors and nurses waited in front of us, "Welcome, students!" They greeted us.

Haruhi seemed to have gone into shock. She stumbled into the clinic.

"Mr. Fukushima? I'll be your nurse for today." a young nurse came up to me.

"Of course, thank you." I looked back at Haruhi to see her looking at Hani-Senpai and Mori-Senpai. They were dressed up as doctors. So obvious.

As if reading my thoughts, Kyoya spoke to Haruhi and I, "I've got those two as back up, just in case something happens."

"But why are they dressed up as doctors?" Haruhi asked, still confused.

"They're just helping to set the mood, dressing up makes this feel like a real espionage mission." Kyoya looked down at me, "Do either of you have a problem with that?"

"Why would we?" I spoke up for the two of us, "It's just a little strange- high school students playing dress up, essentially."

"Well, that is what we do every day in the club, and you don't seem to find that strange."

"Who said I don't find it strange? I just go along with it because I don't want to add to Haruhi's debt." I said, frustrated. He may have a point though, it's not like I speak up about it and surprisingly have grown accustomed to it.

Haruhi continued to look frustrated, and you could almost see her thinking these dang rich people. Just then though, I was distracted as someone ran into Kyoya. He was dressed as a doctor, but as Kyoya dismissed him, it seemed as though it wasn't someone he recognized. Someone sneaking in? I didn't recognize him from any of the hospitals I had been to either, maybe he was just a small-town doctor. I shrugged it off, though, and continued walking.

As the twins were doing their show on the road, Haruhi was suddenly pushed behind a curtain. I was a little worried at first, thinking about the doctor from earlier, but quickly relaxed when I saw it just Hani and Mori. Kyoya looked down at me and smiled.

"Now for Tamaki's part of the plan," Kyoya smirked, "should be fun, don't you think?"

"I guess, more like he is going to publicly humiliate himself," I commented, having been informed of the idiotic plan, "they'll know it's him as soon as he steps out from behind the curtain."

"Yes, but that's what makes this so much better." Kyoya chuckled to himself.

"Mr. Fujioka? It's time for us to take your chest measurements. Once you've finished disrobing, would you please come with me?" I looked over to the curtain Haruhi had been dragged behind. A lot of the girls that frequently visited the club were practically fainting at the thought of seeing Haruhi's bare chest. HA, like that would happen. More like Tamaki making a fool of himself. I could see what Kyoya found so amusing.

Tamaki stepped out from behind the curtain, "I- am Haruhi Fujioka."

The girls froze. They seemed unsure if he was trying to be funny or not. The twins busted up laughing and I glanced up at Kyoya and saw him smirking. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit myself.

We walked over to Haruhi, Kyoya spoke, "Haruhi, ready? I went ahead and set up a special boy's clinic, they are standing by, sworn to secrecy."

"Kyoya just wanted his revenge for being called supporting cast," I commented after the boys discovered that the staff here were from his family's hospitals.

"I just don't think I'm supporting cast, homosexual or otherwise," Kyoya commented, he wore a devilish grin as he spoke.

Kyoya showed us to the special boy's clinic. The doctor greeted us as we came in and Haruhi and I went to separate curtains to disrobe. I had started to take my shirt off so I was just in my undershirt when I heard movement beyond the curtain. I heard Haruhi's muffled cry and then heard a man's voice.

"Haruhi?!" I yelled running to her curtain, I saw her being held by the man that had run into Kyoya and me earlier, "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" I addressed the man when I heard more voices.

"One- good looks that attract the public eye." I heard the twins as I quickly tried to hide behind the other curtain before they found me.

"Two- more wealth than you could imagine." I jumped as I heard Kyoya's voice right behind me and then my shirt was draped over my head.

"Three- chivalry that will never be able to overlook," Mori began,

"the hideous wickedness of this world," Hani spoke, looking more serious than I had ever seen him.

Tamaki finally spoke, draping his own shirt over Haruhi, "That's what makes up the Ouran Host Club!"

As the club, minus Kyoya stood protectively around Haruhi, I looked up to see him still standing there next to me. He whispered softly, "You know, they would keep your secret. However, should you want to continue to hide this a bit longer, I would understand. I'll cover for your absence."

I stared, surprised. That was one of the nicest things I had heard him say. I felt my face heat up briefly as I looked down and said, "Thanks Kyoya, I appreciate your help. I know they will find out eventually, it might as well be now. I'll stay."

After Tamaki insisted on finding the doctor's family, we sent him off with the information he needed to find his daughter. Just then, Haruhi spoke up, "Umm, I'm sorry about this you guys, but could you please get out? Akira and I still need to finish our exams. As male students, of course."

I cringed, the twins and Tamaki spoke up, "Akira? What the heck are you talking about?"

"Yeah, about that- I'm actually a girl," I confessed.

The host club gasped and I sighed, "I joined to help Haruhi with her debt, but she knew that I couldn't join as a girl, so she forced me to pretend to be a guy to come with her to the club."

"Wait, but then why were you here in the boy's clinic? I thought Kyoya just set it up for Haruhi." Hani-senpai asked.

"Well-" I started.

"I figured out quite early on about Akira's hidden identity." Kyoya interjected, "I've been helping her keep it a secret, and I set up the special boy's clinic for both of them."

"We'll keep your secret! Haven't we been doing the same for Haruhi?" Tamaki exclaimed. He seemed way too excited about the fact that there was another girl in the club for Haruhi to hang out with. I shook my head, I really had gotten myself into more than I bargained for.

A/N: And that's a wrap for physical exams! Woohoo! Thanks for any readers and stay tuned!

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