A Day at the Amusement Park

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My alarm clock went off, pulling me abruptly out of my comforting dream. I slammed it off, forgetting the reason I had set it for so blasted early. It was only 9, but normally on a Saturday, I refused to wake before 10 or 11. Suddenly, the memories of last night filled my brain.

*Friday night*

"Akira, I have arranged for you to go on a date tomorrow." Mom informed me, "I know that normally, you don't appreciate these things, but your grandmother is certain you'll like this one."

"Yeah, right." I took a bite of my sandwich, "Every guy she has picked so far has been a typical stuck-up rich kid who cares for nothing but themselves and marrying someone else rich. No thanks."

"I'm serious, this one is different. Plus, his father is on good terms with Grandma." Mom insisted, "He's one of her best customers."

"Who, exactly?" I took a sip of milk, a little suspicious.

"Kyoya Ootori-"

My mom was interrupted by the sound of my choking on my milk, "What?"

"I said, Kyoya Ootori. He is-"

"I know who he is. I go to school with him." I sighed.

"Oh, great! Then you already have a start. Just go and have fun, I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself."

"I suppose, if it will appease Grandma for a while."

*Saturday morning*

I sighed. I had no idea how it was going to be. Ever since the whole physical exams ordeal, I had felt something toward Kyoya, though I didn't know what it was. I assumed I just felt gratitude towards him, but something didn't feel right. For some reason, the idea of going on a date with him made me both excited and terrified.

At promptly 10:30, there was a knock on my door. I opened the door to see Kyoya in the flesh standing in front of me. I stared. Well, he is already getting a better impression then the others. Not only had he shown up on time, but he had come to pick me up at the door himself.

He spoke, "Are you ready to go, or are you just going to stand there staring at me?"

Quickly, I responded, "Oh! Sorry, come in. Let me just grab my bag."

"Of course."

As we rode in the car, he started the conversation again, "So, is there a particular reason you just stood on the doorstep staring at me? Or am I just that good looking?" He smirked.

I rolled my eyes at him, "No, I have just had quite a few bad experiences with dates my grandmother has set me up with in the past. Most of them didn't show up on time, and if they did, hardly any of them came to the door to pick me up. Half of them just met me at the location of the date."

"I see, well I'm glad to have exceeded your expectations. My father was very clear about how I was to act. Beside that, I make a point to be on time and leave a good impression."

"How very--professional, of you." I mumbled. Typical Kyoya. It's not like I mind though, he did leave a very good impression.

The driver stopped in front of an amusement park. Suddenly, I was glad that Mom had told me to dress in a cute casual. My denim capris and light blue, short-sleeved blouse were perfect for the weather. There was just one problem. My hair. Normally at school I had a wig on, so I didn't have to think too much about my hair. However, my regular brunette waves were long enough that I would get hot really soon without my hair up. Shoot.

"Shall we go?" Kyoya had already stepped out of the vehicle and had his hand extended toward me.

"Yes. Do you mind if we stop somewhere to find a hair tie? I forgot to bring one and my neck gets really hot when I have my hair down." I took his hand and slightly flushed at the touch.

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