Meet the Hosts!

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Haruhi led me to Chairman Suoh's office so that I could complete my enrollment. As we walked, we passed several libraries filled with people more interested in gossiping than studying. Oh dear me. I could see why Haruhi was frustrated some days. I guess these are the days that I'll go back to really just studying at home, rather than in the library. I don't see how anyone gets any actual work done with all the clamor going on.

"Here's the office; I imagine you won't have as much trouble getting an appointment with Mr. Suoh as I did," Haruhi informed me as we approached a large set of double doors.

"I took the liberty of setting up an appointment with him beforehand. I knew that I would be coming today and I didn't want him to think I was unprepared." I replied matter-of-factly.

Haruhi gave me a strange look and I thought back briefly to her earlier comment about something Kyoya would say. Maybe this is another thing?

"Ok, well you can just find me in music room 3 at the end of school today." Haruhi waved me off.

"Sure. Thanks, Haruhi." I waved as she turned, presumably to head to her class.

As I walked through the double doors, I was greeted by a kind-looking secretary. I approached the desk and introduced myself, "Hello, I am Akira Fukushima. It's a pleasure to meet you. I believe I have an appointment with Mr. Suoh regarding my enrollment here at Ouran."

"Ah! You must be the lovely transfer student he told me about. I've been made aware of your special situation. Mr. Suoh is waiting for you in his office, go ahead and step inside, dear." She spoke with the kind of tone that made me want her as my own grandmother.

"Thank you," I said as I stepped inside and greeted Mr. Suoh. He told me that he was already aware of my situation and that I would be given a male uniform despite my actual gender. I thanked him and walked back out to greet the receptionist again. I then began a journey around the school to orient myself so that I knew where to find everything when I started tomorrow. I was generally good with directions, but the layout of Lobelia was different enough from Ouran that I wanted to be sure I knew where I was going.

Eventually, I landed myself in music room 3. Everybody had cleared out, so I assumed that the club was over and the only ones in the room were the members of Haruhi's club. I braced myself for the inevitable and slowly opened the door to the club that I was now going to be a part of.

"Mommy!!! Those shady twins are harassing my darling daughter again!" a tall blonde I recognized as Tamaki Suoh cried to another male I realized was Kyoya Ootori, the youngest son of my Grandmother's biggest client. Aha, so it was Kyoya Otoori that Haruhi was talking about earlier.

Mommy? Oh heaven, help me...

"Akira! Hey, you came!" Haruhi called to me. The room went quiet as all the hosts noticed me for the first time.

"Haruhi? Who is this?" Ootori inquired.

"This is my friend Akira. Sh-He is enrolling in Ouran." Haruhi barely recovered calling Akira 'she' and forgot to mention her joining the club.

"I'd like to join and help pay off Haruhi's debt. She has also made me aware that she would feel a lot less lonely and more comfortable if I was present in the club." I informed the Ootori boy as he looked at me with a look that told me he suspected more than he was letting on.

"I suppose we could let you join, though we already have a fairly well-rounded group. You see, we have-" He started, but I cut him off.

"Tamaki Suoh as the self-proclaimed leader of the club, Takashi Morinozuka as the strong silent type and his boy lolita counter-part Mitsukuni Haninozuka." I continued, interjecting Kyoya's thought, "Then there are the mischievous, incestuous, twins and that leaves Haruhi as the natural type. I am aware of the layout of the club, thank you." I finished.

The other hosts stared at me slightly surprised.

"Oh...I didn't realize Haruhi talked so much about us." the Hitachiin twins stared at me gleefully.

"She's mentioned you briefly, but I did some research to be prepared before coming in here," I explained. They didn't need to know that the research I had done was about an hour before coming after hearing some girls in the hallway mention a 'host club' and gushing about them.

The twins exchanged a glance, before looking back at me, "So, you're just here to help Haruhi?"

"Yes, although I was already planning to transfer here anyway. Ouran is more suited to my educational needs." I spoke, before turning to speak to Haruhi.

"Is the club over? Your dad invited me over for dinner tonight. Something about celebrating my transfer to Ouran." I asked her.

After this statement, I heard Suoh jr. say something about how it was unfair that I got to have dinner with Haruhi, but they didn't do it. Ah, he must like Haruhi. I was already aware that they knew she was a girl. Might as well run with it until they find out my secret. I had suspicions that Ootori was on to me anyway.

I wrapped my arm around Haruhi's shoulder as I looked into Tamaki's eyes, "Well, we'll be off then. Good meeting you all."

Then we promptly left music room 3.


All the hosts stared in shock, and Kyoya looked slightly intrigued as Haruhi and Akira headed out the door.

"Kyoya--" the hosts started, turning to face him and lightly tugging on his sleeve.

Tamaki looked slightly as though he was about to cry, still muttering something incoherent about Haruhi and Akira.

"He seems to be an interesting fellow. Intriguing..." Kyoya muttered.

A/N: And that's a wrap of another chapter! Akira has met the hosts. Let me know what you guys think, thanks to any readers out there!! Stay tuned!

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