In Which the Hosts Celebrate Christmas

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I slammed the alarm clock off as I rolled myself out of bed to get ready for school. I really hate mornings...

Tamaki had texted us last night saying he wanted to talk to us about something at school, but he got so excited that he forgot to mention what that might be. All he said was that it was going to be fun, and that we just had to participate. I am curious, I just hope it's not something stupid.

As I rode to school, I pondered over what it could be. Though, knowing Tamaki, he gets excited over ramen, so who knows. I had somewhat of a hope that it could be something to do with the Christian holiday, Christmas. It isn't a national holiday in Japan, but considering the fact that my oldest sister married someone from the states, we tend to celebrate it occasionally, especially when they aren't visiting his family.

"Hey Kyoya!" I called to him when I spotted him in the halls as I walked into the school.

"Hello, Akira." He smiled softly.

"Do you know what Tamaki wants to talk to us about? He rambled on about it all last night, and I woke up to about 20 texts on my phone. However, none of them actually said what it was about. Actually, it was mostly an argument between him and the twins how there was to be no shenanigans, and that everyone 'must participate nicely.'" I finished my rant, remembering how frustrated I was reading all of their messages.

"He hasn't told me anything beside what is in the group message, I am just as uninformed as you are this time, unfortunately."

"I see." We ended the conversation as we had arrived to our class and we took our seats.

* * *

"Well, gentleman! and ladies...Let's get to it!" Tamaki pulled out a giant whiteboard on it. There was a bunch of scribbling all over it with random ideas all over it, with a title overhead that read 'Operation The Hosts Celebrate Christmas.'

I knew it. Tamaki is half french, so it wouldn't be uncommon for him to celebrate it too. While I wasn't too surprised, everyone else looked confused.

"Hey, boss. Do we really need to get together to celebrate? I mean it is mostly a European tradition." Hikaru started.

"Yeah, I mean a snowman scavenger hunt? Sounds pretty boring if you ask me." Kaoru fed off of Hikaru's energy.

"You-- I told you that everyone had to happily join in!!" Tamaki looked frustrated, "Kyoya!! You're okay with it right? Pleaaaaase?"

Kyoya finally seceded after Tamaki stared at him with rather convincing puppy dog eyes. However, there were conditions. I mean, he is Kyoya after all.

"The scavenger hunt does sound rather childish, however I will allow it if there are some revisions to the ideas." Kyoya addressed the tall blond.

After that, we brainstormed and it was somehow decided that we would do a cookie bake-off. However, the twins being themselves were difficult and only agreed on it once they were allowed to plan a full-out snowball fight. Although, from the ideas they were spewing to each other sounded more like an ambush and complete war, than just a fight. The mischevious types will be themselves, I suppose. Even as it was, they kept giving Kyoya and I mischevious grins that made me wonder if they had more up their sleeves than just a snowball war.

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