Kyoya Meets The Grandmother

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I approached the house, feeling slightly nervous as to what Akira's grandmother was going to say to me. She had been polite enough over the phone, but who knows what she was going to be like when I saw her in person.

I knocked on the door and was surprised to see Akira standing on the other side.

"Kyoya? What are you doing here?" She asked, tilting her head to the side with an inquisitive look.

"Your grandmother wished to speak to me." I kept my voice even and steady.

"Oh, what about? Did your father send you in regards to business?" 

"No, she wants to know about our courtship." I responded bluntly. May as well be honest. 

"What? But, we're not dating-- oh... She means about-?" She cut off.

"Your date with Suru? Yes, I'm sure she knows." I brushed her aside to enter. She didn't protest.

"Well, good luck. My grandmother is a bit crazy when it comes to my love life." She said, rolling her eyes.

"You mean, she is overprotective?" I asked, confused, "A lot of parents and grandparents tend to be that way."

"No... not exactly. You'll find out! Have fun!" She then stopped and I realized she had lead me to a room. She opened the door and pushed me in not giving me time to get in another word edge-wise.

I straightened myself and looked around to come face-to-face with a lovely, cheerful looking woman. This must be her grandmother.

Mrs. Fukushima gazed at me kindly for a moment before speaking, "Hello, Kyoya."

"Hello, ma'am." I bowed slightly.

"I'll cut right to the chase." She began, but I held up my arm.

"Before you start, you should know that Akira and I are not dating." I clarified.

"Oh, yes. I'm aware, Akira already made it perfectly clear." She waved her hand dismissively.

"Then why-"

"I have decided that you two are simply perfect for each other! If you want to court her, I give my 100% support!" She gushed, holding her own cheeks in her hands.

She continued, "You are incredibly resourceful and intelligent. I can see that you make each other better. It doesn't hurt that you're also pretty attractive." 

She chuckled at the last part and gave me a small wink. I suddenly understood Akira's words before when I had asked if her grandmother was overprotective.

"I don't think I'm as great as you believe I am." I paused, realizing some of her words.

"I don't think you realize your own potential young man. You and the rest of her friends in the host club have managed to bring her out of her shell since... well, she hasn't been herself recently and you young people have managed to bring her back to her former self." She paused, looking slightly forlorn.

Since what? Intriguing.

She recovered and looked back at me, "I'm surprised your father hasn't realized what a stellar young man you are, but that is a topic for another time. As much as I love to gush about Akira's love life and how much I wish that would include you, that is not entirely why I called you here today."

"Oh, and what might that be?" I inquired. It wasn't about me and Akira?

" I believe you are aware that Tokyo's annual Young Musician's Festival is coming up?"

"I am." I spoke up, having recovered myself.

"Good, I need you to convince Akira to go to the festival." She smiled.

"I'm sorry?" I asked, confused.

"Akira hasn't competed in the festival since she was ten. I think that it will be good for her, but she has brushed off any of our attempts to get her there." She sighed.

"I see. I don't know how much more influence I'll have," I chuckled, "but if it means that much, then I suppose-" 

Before I could finish, she got up and rounded the desk. She then proceeded to pull me to my feet and toward the door before she spoke, "Great! I knew I could count on you!" 

She then pushed me out in much the same way Akira had pushed me in.

Like grandmother like granddaughter... 

.     .     .


Darn these sound proof doors! I was so curious to see what Grandma was saying to Kyoya, but I couldn't hear a thing. Before I could think much more about a way to eavesdrop, though, the door abruptly opened sending a very tall body crashing into me.

I heard the door close before I realized I was on the floor with Kyoya hovering very close over me. Too close, too close! He stared at me with wide eyes before quickly removing himself and standing, looking away briefly. He offered me his hand and helped me to stand as well.

"So," I cleared my throat, "How did it go?"

"It was fine, she is really quite the enthusiastic lady." He chuckled, seemingly having recovered from what had just happened.

"Ha, yeah. That's just who she is. Sometimes it gets hard to deal with, but I know she means well." I shuffled a little awkwardly.

"So, what did you say? Did you clear everything up?" I asked, starting to lead the way toward the front door.

"Oh, don't worry." He started as we walked, "I just told her we're madly in love and have been dating for a while." 

"What?! No, that's not what you were supposed to do. Kyoya! What is wrong with you?" I spun to look at him, whacking his arm in the process.

"Of course I told her we weren't dating," A smile grew rapidly on his face, before it disappeared, "but it's cute that you so readily believed me."

I swear he winked at me before my eyes shot to the floor and we walked in silence. Ummm, what? CUTE? 

We stopped at the front door and Kyoya turned to me, "Would it really be that bad to date me?" 

"I- Well- No, I just..." I sputtered.

He let out a small chuckle before ruffling my hair, "I'll see you at school."

I watched as he walked away still feeling rather flustered. My hand unconsciously made its way to the top of my head to smooth the hair that now felt a little softer for some reason. What is he doing to me?

A/N: Awwwww, yeah baby! I'm back! Hopefully, I was missed in my absence. I feel bad, it's been nearly a year since my last actual chapter. I'm sorry my dears! But, wouldn't ya know it? I'm working on another chapter right now! Woot woot! Sooo, anyway... Enjoy and stay tuned!! xoxo -Author-chan 😘 

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