A Day in the Life of Haruhi

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*ring* *ring* *ring*

I snatched my phone up from the desk next to me. Tamaki.

Sighing, I answered the phone, "What do you want, Tamaki?"

"I'm afraid Haruhi is living in squalor! I must go visit her at once." He yelled instantly into the phone, causing me to pinch my nose in irritation.

"And your reason for calling me is?" I asked.

"I- well..hehe." He chuckled nervously, "I don't really wanna go alone."

"I see, well, good luck," I said before hanging up the phone.

Almost immediately the phone rang again. I flipped it open and could hear Tamaki yelling.

"Kyoya, please! Please, please, please.." He chanted and I swear he was telepathically giving me puppy eyes through the phone.

"Fine. Give me a few minutes." I spoke, with a resigned sigh.

"Yay! Thank you Kyoya!" Tamaki cheered into the phone.

. . .

"Hey, Kyo-chan? Why isn't Akira with us?" Hani-senpai asked across from me in the limo.

I looked over at him. Currently, the entire host club minus Haruhi and Akira was piled in my family's limo to visit Haruhi's house. Tamaki had insisted on not going alone, so I brought everybody along. Well, everybody except Akira. Since the music festival had ended a couple of months ago, Akira had been busy with preparations for her family's annual shareholder dinner. She had reasons for wanting to make this dinner as good as possible, and so I had made a conscious decision to let her rest today.

"Kyo-chan?" Hani-senpai tilted his head to look at me quizzically and I realized I had just been staring at him.

"She needs rest."

That was all I wanted to say. Hani-senpai nodded as if he understood and leaned back in his seat. I looked out the window as the vehicle slowed to a stop.

"We're here everyone," I announced.

. . .


I stretched as I sat up in bed. Ah, it's already 11? I had wasted away the morning with much-needed sleep. I figured today would be a good day to relax after how busy I had been lately.

I picked up my phone as a text notification sounded. I flipped it open to see it was from Haruhi.

Haruhi: 'SOS, I have a problem at my house. Can you come over?'

SOS?? That sounds serious. I quickly texted back.

'I can be there soon. What's wrong?'

I rushed out of my room, deciding to take the Lamborghini we had just imported from Italy. No time to wait for a driver.

"Mom, I'm heading to Haruhi's!" I yelled as I spotted her near the front entrance.

"Ok, see you later!" She called back.

I hopped in the car and quickly drove to Haruhi's house. When I arrived, I barely registered the expensive-looking limo parked nearby as I ran up to her door.

I sped up the steps and knocked on the door hearing some voices coming from the other side. Was it the yakuza? Was she being held hostage in her own home? Crazy thoughts like that ran through my head. It wasn't like Haruhi to send an SOS text.

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