The Pranksters Become the Pranked

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Monday morning:

"Hey, Kyoya." I felt less weird around him since last week when I had confronted him about Christmas. 

I figured that was just because I had vocalized, and I was glad it went away. Though, my heart still fluttered when I thought of his last words. — "You act like I don't care about you." — I just decided to shrug it off and not think too much about it.

"Hello, Akira." He smiled down at me briefly, before we were interrupted. 

"Akira and Kyoya sittin' in a tree k-i-s-s—mmph!" The twins started chanting before I covered both their mouths and told them to shut up. They ran off giggling to themselves, as Kyoya and I walked to our class.

Wednesday afternoon:

"Ok, listen Tamaki and Hani-senpai. Either we cut down on sugar expenses and extravagant event ideas for a couple of weeks, or we are going to go into debt. Is that clear? I will adjust the totals by Thursday. That's all I have for this meeting." Kyoya spoke, concluding our planning meeting. 

We weren't open as a club today but still had to meet to go over a few things. Most of it had just ended up being Tamaki and Hikaru arguing about some random thing that had happened yesterday before Kyoya actually ended the argument and brought us back on topic. Of course, Hani-senpai and Tamaki started complaining about the cuts. After a few seconds, I spoke up.

"Look, Kyoya knows finances a lot better than you, and if you don't want this club to run to the ground and be done, then I suggest you listen to him. So, just chill. He only said you need to back off for a few weeks, not indefinitely. Get over yourselves."

"Wow..." Hikaru started, a grin starting to grow. Oh, no.

"You sound just like a mom scolding her children for not listening to their father," Kaoru finished. 

"Could this be a sign of things to come?" Hikaru continued. 

"You are already in love as it is, marriage is just the next step away," Kaoru added.

"What gives you that idea?" Kyoya continued, "We are hardly in love, let alone dating or considering marriage." 

"Exactly, we're NOT dating. Already this week we've had enough of your incessant teasing." I sighed, exasperated. 

Well, this week is already off to a GREAT start.

.     .     .

Little did I know, it was only going to get better and better. Not. The teasing kept on non-stop during club on Wednesday and all day Thursday and but by then I had had enough. More than enough, rather. By that point, it was obvious that Kyoya and I were their latest muse and it would take drastic measures to make them move on....and that's exactly what I intended to do.

Thursday evening:

To: Tamaki, Haruhi, Mori, Hani, Kyoya
'Hey, it's Akira. Look, I'm. So. Freaking. Done. With the twins' torturous teasing all week. I want to get back at them. Something that will end this whole thing. Who's in?'
Almost 2 minutes later, I got several replies.

'I will protect you my darling sister! Fear not, I'm in! I want to stop those shady twins from going any further!'


'I'm in. Why not?'


'Me too! I want to help, Kira-Chan!'

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