I have to be a...guy?

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I can't believe Haruhi managed to convince me to do this. I continued to walk toward the large pink school. I had been planning to transfer to this school lately, but not under these circumstances. After hearing that I was planning to transfer anyway, Haruhi asked me if I would transfer, but as a male student instead. I mean, I've always wanted to go to Ouran, but as a guy? Good grief. She hadn't told me much information, other than the fact that she had unwillingly joined a club because she now owed a debt. And unfortunately, she had to pose as a male student to pay off said debt. She wanted me to join so that she wouldn't feel so alone, but the idea of it made me more uncomfortable than anything in my life.

"Akira! Over here." Haruhi called, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hey, Haruhi!" I tried to make myself sound less girly. Ugh, why am I doing this again? Oh. right. My friendship with Haruhi.

I jogged up the path to the school a little way to where she was standing.

She whispered to me once I reached her, "I still can't believe I managed to convince you to come as a male student."

"You and me both. Haruhi, are you sure this is such a good idea? Maybe I should just enroll normally and visit the club every day...." I shuffled from foot to foot a little, looking at the ground, then back at her.

"No! I would still be alone on the club trips." Haruhi retorted, "There's no backing out of this now, you already agreed."

"Ok, ok," my voice started going monotone, "I'll keep this in mind the next time I need a favor. You never know when you're going to need someone to owe you something."

"That sounded kind of like something Kyoya-senpai would say," Haruhi mumbled under her breath.

"What?" Kyoya... as in Kyoya Otoori?

"Nothing, let's go in." Haruhi walked off, leaving me to either stand out there alone or follow her to the office.

As I walked in the halls of the school, it kind of struck me that this was real. I was actually doing this! I know Mom had wanted me to attend Lobelia, but honestly, it wasn't the school for me anymore. Granted, I never expected to be attending as a male student, but hey. At least I was here with my best friend; I just hoped that whatever club Haruhi had gotten herself into wasn't like the club I had been in when I attended Lobelia...

A/N note: I don't know if anyone is reading this, but if you are, then thanks! I hope this story is good and sounds coherent. I'll do my best to update frequently. Stay tuned!

<<EDIT: After this chapter(I think), I just decided to leave her as Akira, instead of Kiro cause it didn't really make sense for me, and one helpful person pointed out that Akira could be used ambiguously, sooooo yeah. Anyway! Happy reading!

<<RE-EDIT: I'm revamping some of these earlier chapters, to make them a little better. After some of the more recent chapters, I realized that I've come a long way and need to edit these first few chapters.

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