Big Brother is a Prince

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I arrived to school Monday morning feeling exhausted. What was supposed to be a relaxing weekend had turned into a whole fiasco helping Grandma with the fundraiser... and not in the way I'd expected. I still felt heat rise to my face when I thought about how Kyoya and I... had kissed. The way he had run after me and the way that he had pulled me close, too close, to tease me. I was also reeling from a possible discovery that he may be harboring some actual, romantic feelings for me. What am I going to do?

"Akira, good morning." I heard Kyoya's voice come from my right as I walked through the front doors.

My heart skipped a beat, but without looking at him I said, "Good morning," and then ran off to class.
. . .
I managed to make it through the day avoiding Kyoya- I had even eaten lunch in some classroom with Haruhi- but now I had to spend club time with him. On top of that, we had a new science project to work on. I don't know why our teacher kept putting us together for projects. Something about, "You two just work so well together and you're the top students in our class!"

All I want to do is run away. These things were new to me. I had too many other things to be focusing on without having to deal with the realization that Kyoya might like me. I'm only 17.

"Welcome!" I heard the other hosts call out, bringing me out of my trance.

In front of us stood a cute little girl standing in the doorway, looking up at us with a shocked expression. Huh?

"Oh my, what an unusually young guest. Well, glad you're here, my little lost kitty cat!" Tamaki spoke up as he smiled down at the young girl.

Always the gentleman. He then proceeded to bend down and ask her why she'd come today.

The girl suddenly blushed before pointing at us and yelling, "It's a reverse harem!"

I suddenly coughed and noticed that the rest of the hosts had seemingly frozen in shock. A reverse harem?

"This is a reverse harem!" She suddenly exclaimed again, while the twins acted like they were cleaning out their ears in denial.

"There's debauchery here." She jumped up and down, "Yay! There's debauchery here, isn't there!"

"I can't be hearing this right," I mumbled to myself.

"I'm pretty sure your hearing is perfectly fine." I heard Kyoya say from the space next to me that I'm sure had been empty merely seconds ago.

The little girl started pointing at all of us, naming Kyoya as the glasses character, Hani-senpai and Mori-senpai as the boy lolita and the stoic type, twincest for the twins, and bookworm for Haruhi. She turned to me next and called me a hidden princess. Does that mean she knows I'm a girl? What about Haruhi?

She turned to Tamaki, and suddenly gaining a gleam in her eye, jumped into his arms, shouting, "My brother's blonde, you must be him!"

"You never told us about this! Since when do you have a little sister?" Hikaru started as Kaoru finished.

"I don't! I'm definitely an only child, at least as far as I know!" Tamaki responded while trying to pull her off of him.

I risked a glance next to me where Kyoya was standing to see him with a thoughtful expression and a hand holding his chin.

"I want to know if 'glasses character' is superior to 'big brother'." He mused.

Despite myself, I giggled in response. He glanced over and we made eye contact before I quickly looked away. It still felt like he was looking at me, but I tried to ignore him as Tamaki suddenly gathered who we now knew was Kirimi into his arms, declaring that he would be her new big brother. Typical. Tamaki was getting carried away by one of his whims again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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