A Lady Manager? Pt. 1

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Wow, it's so quiet this early. I made my way to music room 3, the empty halls especially quiet. Is there even anyone here?

As I walked in, I noticed that the piano was out in the room, instead of hidden in the corner where it normally is. I walked over to it. It's been too long. I loved playing the piano, it was my release from stress. However, with my transfer to Ouran, I had been too busy to have a moment to play. With my current stressing over Kyoya, though, I could definitely use the release. At least I didn't see him anywhere when I walked in. I haven't seen him since Saturday and I was pretty sure I hadn't quite gotten over seeing him on that roller coaster. Relaxed, I took a seat on the piano bench.

*Kyoya POV*

Finally, a moment to relax. Even though yesterday was Sunday, I hadn't had a moment to myself. Father had invited all my siblings home for dinner and told us about his recent business trip. Afterward, he proceeded to practically interrogate me about my date the day previous with Akira. I knew the only reason he was asking was because her family was one of his biggest clients, but I still hoped he cared a little bit.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard the door open. I was slightly confused as I saw Akira enter. She is rather early. I saw her look around, though she didn't see me where I was sitting in the corner, visibly relaxed, and then sat down. What is she worried about? I watched curiously, my book momentarily forgotten, as she sat down at the piano and began to play. She is just as good as Tamaki. I sat quietly as she played. The more I learned about her, the more fascinated I became. She was different than the other girls at this school, minus Haruhi, and I was still trying to figure out why I was so intrigued by her.

*Akira POV*

I finished the song quietly and sat for a moment feeling much refreshed from the moment. I heard clapping and looked to see Kyoya approaching me. Why hadn't I seen him before?

"That was quite good, you have a talent for the piano." Kyoya complimented me.

"Thanks, I'm sure I'm not as talented as Tamaki. You've probably heard him play. Just keep calm, act natural, like you always do.

"On the contrary, I think you two have equal talent."

I blushed. Kyoya looked like he was going to say something else but at that moment the bell rang. I didn't realize I had been in here for so long.

"We should get to class, wouldn't want to be late." I spoke quickly, breaking his train of thought.

            .                            .                              .

As the day wore on, I realized that my inner discomfort around Kyoya was needless. Everything was the same as it had always been, almost as if we had just had any other normal weekend. By the time club time came, I felt much better. At this point, I could hear Tamaki across the room in his kimono with his same old princely speech.

"Oh Tamaki, my dearest Tamaki. Why are you so beautiful?" I heard one of the ladies ask.

"I'm hoping to catch your eye, even if for just one second." Yep, ok. I'm done. I quickly tuned out the rest of their conversation. Everywhere I looked it seemed as though the hosts were working there tears. Kyoya, Haruhi, and I seemed to be the only normal ones. Honestly. I looked over as Hani-senpai approached Haruhi.

"Haru-chan, Haru-chan! I don't know how but I lost one of my sandals." He stood crying holding one of his sandals in his hands.

"Mitsukuni." Mori-senpai grabbed Hani's foot and returned his sandal. I tuned out as the girls proceeded to fawn over how cute they were.

"Tears seem to popular with the ladies today." Haruhi commented as she bumped into Hikaru.

"Yeah, I know what you mean." I watched as Haruhi picked up some eye drops. Huh.

"What's this?" I could see that Haruhi was not amused.

"For your information, it's common for a host to use eye drops," Kaoru began.

"No woman alive can resist a man on the brink of tears." Hikaru finished. Seriously? I mean, sure. I could see where they got that idea, but they were taking it a little too far.

"That's cheating." Hear hear Haruhi!

I glanced over at the door and saw a girl hiding behind the door frame. She doesn't look familiar. Is she new? I walked over. "Can I help you miss?"

She glanced up at me, "I'm looking for Kyoya. My one true love!"

I froze. What? At this point, the other hosts had noticed her and were approaching her. They won't get too far. I watched as Tamaki approached her, for a second I thought she might fall for his act, until-

"Don't touch me! You're phony!!" She yelled. That was certainly not normal. Tamaki looked as if he was going into shock.

"I find it hard to believe that someone like you is the princely character of this host club!" She scolded, as Tamaki looked more and more shocked by the second.

"You're stupid," she continued, "You must be a dim-witted narcissist. You're incompetent!"

We all watched in surprise as she continued to hurl insults at him until he fell over in slow motion. Then she spotted Kyoya.

"It's you! Kyoya!" she ran to him and hugged him. I suddenly felt very uneasy about this girl. I didn't like her, though I didn't know why. It's not like there weren't other girls in the host club that gushed over Kyoya, something just seemed different.

"Fiance?" the twins questioned.

"Why, of course. My name is Renge Hoshakuji. I will be transferring into first year class A tomorrow." At least she isn't in our class. I didn't know why I felt so relieved. Although, I was still uneasy about the fact that she saw herself as his fiance, I figured that he wouldn't have been on a date with me on Saturday if that were true.

We all looked over at Tamaki sulking against the wall. Hikaru spoke first, "Why is Tamaki sulking?"

"Because Mommy kept a secret from Daddy." Kaoru answered.

"Mommy?" I giggled under my breath. Kyoya gave me an irritated look, though I just giggled harder.

"Whatever. Why does everyone insist on referring to us like we're husband and wife?" Kyoya asked, sounding as if he was resigned to his fate.

Still giggling, I whispered, "Well, based on club postion it does kind of make sense."

"Oh, really?" Kyoya didn't sound intrigued, just irritated. I managed to calm myself down as Renge approached us again.

Renge then went into some little speech about Kyoya, though none of it sounded that much like him. Who the heck is she talking about? We all grew more and more confused until she said that he was her real life Ichijo Miyabi. Oooh, she's an Otaku. It all made more sense now.

Kyoya commented, voicing the same realization I had, "Oh, I see now. She's in love with that character. You're projecting that love on me and had somehow deluded yourself into thinking that we're engaged."

"So, she made it up. You're not really her fiance right?" Tamaki asked.

"Well, no. I don't recall ever asking for her hand in marriage. Besides this is the first time I've ever met the woman." Kyoya assured him calmly.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. You could have said so sooner.

A/N: Sorry to cut this chapter off. This one is going to be another two-parter. Also, I decided to throw in a Kyoya POV. Hope everyone out there enjoys! Thanks!!

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