The Rise of the "Grandmob"

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KUMIKO "GRANDMA" POV (the morning of the fundraiser):

From where I stood currently, I could hear the young lady talking to Akira and Kyoya as they arrived to the fundraiser festival. Thankfully though, I remained out of sight. I don't think Akira's surprise would have overridden her annoyance if she saw me after finding out which competition it was that I signed her and Kyoya up to participate in.

"We already agreed to help your grandmother didn't we? Besides, you look cute in that dress. To go back now would be a waste of your outfit." Kyoya spoke teasingly to my granddaughter.

I spotted a light shade of red appear on Akira's face, as she gained a thoughtful expression on her face. Hmm, I knew I could count on that boy to fluster her. Now if I could just get them to admit their feelings, then this plan would be a success. I quickly emerged from my hiding place, acknowledging the kind young lady from earlier, before following in the direction of the two kids. Hopefully, those boys are doing their part...


I stood relaxed at the end of the alleyway, as two young gruff, but well-dressed, high school boys appeared around the corner and came toward me. They were dressed in all black suits and slicked back hair. If I didn't know better, I would have assumed these boys were from the mob.

"Good, you made it on time." I spoke in a low tone.

"Well, of course. We try to make a good impression, ma'am." The taller boy spoke up with a surprisingly deep voice that held no anger, "By the way, I am Kenji and this is Riku."

What lovely young men. "Hello Kenji and Riku," I said nodding to each of them in turn, "I am Kumiko Fukushima. I have a job for you, and don't worry I shall pay you handsomely."

.     .     .

"Wait, so you just want us to help you set up your granddaughter and this.. Kyoya Ootori together?" Riku asked, holding up two pictures of Kyoya and Akira.

"That's actually kinda cute." Kenji said right after as they looked each other with a conspiring gleam in their eye.

"Oh, they are cute. Trust me. They just don't know it yet, but they can be something great. I think I can count on you boys." I said, and continued, "You know the plan so far, go get 'em team."

"Yes, ma'am." They said.

I shook my head, "Please. Call me Grandma Kumiko."

They nodded and ran off. I think I'll like these boys. Their mothers raised them right.

.     .     .

So far, Akira and Kyoya had been the power couple to beat. Enough so, that all the other teams were getting a bit snarky about it. They were currently attempting the origami challenge and it was clear that they were struggling, unlike the other challenges.

One of the men sneered and said to them, "Well, looks like you two don't know how to do everything after all."

Why I oughta... What a rude young man! Not like my Akira and Kyoya. And Kenji and Riku, my two new underlings.

Kyoya stood up with an angry look on his face, but Akira stopped him and spoke, "Maybe not, but we'll still win. We're unbeatable, right Kyoya?"

"I suppose so." He responded, before sitting back down and smiling slightly at her.

They proceeded to look at each other for a moment. They're so cute on their own, I don't even need to try very hard. Reminded of the task at hand, I brought the walkie-talkie in my hand closer to my mouth and pushed the button, speaking a short command.

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