The Friendly Host

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What the- In front of me stood all the hosts in a tropical wonderland. They were all holding Bali outfits. The entirety of music room 3 was decked out in tropical qualities, complete with live animals.

"Excuse me. What is the purpose of the tropical attire?" I asked.

"It's the theme today, we need you to put this on." Kyoya explained like he was used to this, "Also, we have chosen you as the Friendly type."

"The friendly type?" I asked, curious.

"Well, you came to the club just to help out Haru-chan," Hani spoke, "just like a true friend."

"Ok... I suppose that makes sense." I responded. That's the only reason? I guess they don't have much to go on.

A few minutes later, we were all in our outfits. Thank the heavens above for a closed shirt with sleeves. I was glad my outfit was less revealing so that there was no chance of them noticing that I was actually a girl. That being said, the outfit was kind of thin, so I left my undershirt on to help. Haruhi walked in and immediately looked as though she would rather be anywhere but there.

Haruhi, looking disgruntled spoke, "I could be wrong, but isn't it still early spring?"

"Huddling under a kotatsu fearing the cold is nonsense, and besides the heating system we have is...the best!" Tamaki explained, rather flamboyantly.

"Do you have a problem with the way we run our club, Haruhi? You owe us 8 million yen remember." Kyoya interjected calmly.

"You know, Kyoya, there are better ways to approach that." I spoke up, "I understand Haruhi's confusion and discomfort. It's quite odd to dress up in costumes just to entertain girls. That being said, Haruhi, maybe calm down a little bit. You are indebted and I am helping you. I'd prefer you didn't add anything on to that, please." I ended, shifting my attention to Haruhi and wrapping my arm around her shoulder, earning a disgruntled look from both Tamaki and Hitachiin twins.

"I'm sorry my debt is a burden to you." Haruhi grumbled, "I'd just prefer to wear early spring attire in early spring, ya know?"

I went to take the seat Kyoya had just designated as mine, ready to meet the girls that had requested me. I glanced up and noticed the twins looking at me suspiciously. Did I say something wrong? Why are they looking at me like that?

They approached me, "Hey listen, you may think you're super smart, but stay out of our club's business. Kyoya has been handling it just fine, we don't need you to come in and tell people what to do."

Ok? What do they think I'm trying to do?

"I'm sorry if you got that impression. I felt the need to speak up, so I did." I spoke, sounding rather diplomatic.

"Just leave us alone, we don't like outsiders who come in and try to take over." they spoke in unison.

Ouch. So, they think I'm trying to take over? Take over what? That was a little hurtful.

"Look, I don't know why you think that, but-" I started, but they walked away before I could say any more on the matter.

"Excuse me. I don't mean to be a bother, but I believe it is time for the hosts to switch clients." one of the ladies spoke to Haruhi at another table, "You know Haruhi, I think you will be my new favorite client."

                 .                        .                        .

Tamaki was off sulking in a corner, doing who knows what. Apparently, he was upset that Kanako had chosen Haruhi as her new favorite host.  According to her file, her childhood friend was the heir to the Suzushima Trading Company. They were engaged, but as of late they had grown apart. Hence, her host hopping.

Tamaki broke me out of my thoughts with an exclamation about his plan to get them back together. I was beginning to realize that Tamaki wasn't capable of a subtle idea, nor could he keep something back once he had set his mind on it. However, all the hosts were very close and seemed to enjoy his company regardless of his flamboyant nature. Even Haruhi seemed to be enjoying herself, as much as she would probably deny it if anyone asked her. I tuned out the rest of the conversation as they came up with a plan for next week's dance.

Soon enough, the dance arrived, and I was excited to get to know some more of the girls. I hadn't gotten too many requests. They seemed to have it in their head that I was in the same sort of position as Kyoya, and as such, I didn't host much. I didn't know where that idea came from, but I wondered if it had anything to do with what the twins confronted me about, but that seemed a little ridiculous. That said, I didn't want to unknowingly do something that offended them even more.

"Do you really think Tamaki's plan will work?" I walked up to Kyoya after I spotted him heading back to wherever the other hosts had disappeared to.

"Tamaki may be an idiot, but he does have good intentions." Kyoya smirked, "If anything, it will make for an interesting night."

Seeing that Kyoya didn't want to say anything more on the matter, I walked off to enjoy the party. I was able to dance with some more of the girls and before I knew it, we had arrived to the end of the party. I joined the hosts as Tamaki announced which lady was chosen as the best dancer of the evening. Kanako wound up being the winner and Haruhi was picked as the host to give her a kiss on the cheek.

As Haruhi walked down the stairs, I glanced down. Is that a banana peel? Oh no... "Wait-" I started but by then Haruhi had already slipped and wound up kissing Kanako straight on. So much for a normal party... At least, everything worked out in the end, albeit in a rather strange turn of events.

A/N: That's another chapter wrapped up! Also, we got our first Kyoya and Akira interactions...Yay! Hopefully, I didn't cut out too much. I didn't want to make the chapter too long. Thanks for any readers, and stay tuned!!

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