An Unexpected Surprise

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So far preparations were going smoothly. If only Dad could be here. This shareholder dinner seemed like the perfect distraction from the events of last week when Kyoya and I had... had...

Had what? Almost kissed?

It had certainly seemed like it was going in that direction, but I didn't even think Kyoya had romantic feelings for me. Did I even feel that way about him?

'You act like I don't care about you.'  He had said that a while ago, but hadn't he just meant we are close friends? I mean, we are friends and friends care about each other. What confused me was that we had almost kissed. Friends don't exactly want to kiss each other. Not like I had wanted to kiss him anyway. Had I wanted to kiss him? Agh, I don't even know!

"Akira?" My mother's voice pulled me out of my reverie.

"Y-Yes?" Focus, Akira.

"When you're done setting up that table, could you find the tablecloths for me? They seemed to have moved from where I last put them."

"You bet, Mom!" With renewed vigor, I finished the table and ran off to find the tablecloths.

.     .     .

Now that all the planning was done and this event was actually in full swing, I could finally take a breath to relax. I made my way to the dessert table after the dinner was over.

Hmmm, the eclairs look good. Just as I was sinking my teeth into a second eclair, I heard my grandmother calling me.

"Akira, darling!" She waved me over when she saw me look over at her.

My eyes drifted to the man next to her. Yoshio Ootori. Crap, Kyoya's not here too is he? I wasn't prepared to see Kyoya again yet. It had been hard enough to be around him every day in school without my mind wandering to... to...

"Akira?" Grandmother tilted her head curiously and I realized I had zoned out momentarily.

I quickly made my way over to the pair of them and bowed slightly as Mr. Ootori spoke, "Akira, it is nice to meet you."

"Hello, Mr. Ootori." I shook his hand as I continued, "It's a pleasure to meet you as well."

"I hear you attend Ouran with my son." As he spoke, I could hear a rigidness to his voice that was unlike anything I had ever heard in Kyoya's voice. Did this man ever even smile?

I nodded my head, "Yes, that's right. I am in the same class as Kyoya."

"Indeed, how are your studies fairing?" My studies? Not how's Kyoya, or do you enjoy that school?

"Fine, I suppose." I responded, not sure how to answer.

"She is the top of her class in all of her subjects, just behind Kyoya. I'd say she's doing brilliantly! She even managed to surpass Tamaki Suoh!" My grandmother gushed enthusiastically.

Ha, yeah. Tamaki spent a whole club growing mushrooms in the corner because of that.

Grandmother spoke quickly, "Say, I have a fundraiser planned tomorrow. I know it's short notice, but I was hoping to get Akira and your son Kyoya involved in helping with the event. The proceeds from the fundraiser go straight to cancer research. I'm sure that will help out a lot at your hospitals."

Cancer research? That was most likely because of Dad. I mean the whole reason for this shareholder dinner was him.

"I see no problem with getting Kyoya to help out with that. I'll have him to your house early tomorrow morning." Kyoya's father responded, thinking it over with a hand to his chin.

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