The Club

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Monday 7:40am
I came in late to school but luckily wasn't punished by any seniors.

I went through the double doors leading to the huge hall of the school where assemblies were held and announcements were announced. Well an announcement was going to be made today.
The arranged seats were full with students talking and discussing. I didn't see Nicki, Carol or Jay.

There was no one at the front row so I sat there.

Which was very wierd since I was the only one on that row.

Just for alertness, Alex's drone is tucked safely in my bag, which is in my locker. This time, I'm taking no risks.
On Sunday, when I came back from church, I had turned my bag from an unsuspecting boring school book carrier, into a high security item preserver safe. I installed alarm sensors allowing only MY fingerprints to be recognized. Any other hand that touches my bag, the alarm will go off.
It was genius.

The prefects (seniors) joined us, standing at each corner of the hall.
No sight of Leo, neither did I make an attempt to make a sight of him.

The principal walked unto the stage, the teachers sitting at the back. Every student seated, stood up to greet him.
Principal Brian, who we will call P. B.  to shorten time, started with greetings, short welcome speeches to new students and more.
"Now to the point of this arranged assembly..."


"Today is the start of your extra curricular activities. In lame-man's language, your clubs will be starting from today.
Since our dear seniors will be leaving us this year, we will need new presidents, directors and governors for our clubs. Many of you came to Able Brighton College this year.... "

And blah, blah, blah, more valuable information. In a summarized note:
Clubs will be starting today:
Monday to Thursday :3:00- 4:00pm,
On Fridays: 2:00-3:00pm.
There's the Photography club, Newspaper/ Internet Blog club, Baking club, Football, Basketball, Tennis and Golf club,
(which I'm surprised exists in ABC), Science club, Art club, Drama club, Music club, Dancing club, Book club and more.
Today, the period before break, sign ups and elections for club leaders will be done.
by previous club leaders. No hauling or blocking the hallways.

You would have guessed I would go to the Science club. Well you're wrong.
It's the Art Club. I already do Science in my home, why do it again in school?
I wanted to try something new.

Everyone departed. I entered my homeroom, seeing Carol sitting on her table, and Nicki.
"Hey guys!" I said coming towards them.

They looked back at me and smiled.
"Hey girl, I didn't see you earlier. Thought you won't come to school today." Carol said.

I sat down on my seat. Nicki smiled at me, a smile that could possibly clear dark clouds.
"What's making you so happy?" I asked Nicki.

She giggled. "I can't tell!!"

Now I was curious. "Oh cmon, I wanna know!"

"Yeah me too. Speak up!" Carol said.

Nicki shook her head in protest, her brown hair bouncing from side to side. She kept taunting us while we begged until she gave up.
"Alright alright. I'll tell you. I have 2 great news! But one's a secret!"

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