The Blame

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Thursday 12:56pm
Nicki and Daniel had settled on the grassy ground, still talking to each other. Carol and I watched them from homeroom 19's windows.
"Aww look at them. They both look so adorable." I said.

Carol just rolled her eyes." Yeah, I hear you"

I looked at her, because of her bored tone. "You haven't been feeling okay since Nicki cried. Anything bothering you?" I asked her.

She sighed. "I know that if I say this, you'll think I'm jealous or something but I just feel that Nicki is being distracted. Not just her, both Daniel too."

She scratched her neck, "in short, I just don't support highschool dating. At all. It has little advantages but so much disadvantages"

I put my hand on my chin. I remembered what happened to Sam, when she had a crush on a boy in highschool. They went into a relationship, as she told me,he tried to steal her wallet. Another came along. This time, he kept prodding Sam to elope with him
Sam stayed away from boys after that.
"Them being together isn't bad at all, but thier relationship is far from stable! They keep getting distracted especially Nicki."

"How?" I asked.

"Nicki has been dropping in grades lately. She's no longer paying attention in classes. She's only trying to keep Daniel to herself. Daniel is too, but he's not trying as much as her."

"Isn't that a bad thing. Like not having as much interest in their relationship as her? " I asked Carol.

Carol moaned in frustration. "It is and at the same time it's not, you know. Daniel sometimes doesn't want to hang out with her and not because he doesn't like her, he just doesn't see any fun in her own interests. Nicki is afraid that if she doesn't cling to him, he's gonna end up dumping her or even forgetting her"

I chuckled. " Okay, that's just impossible. Look at them" I pointed out the window, "I just can't imagine that. I have a strong thought they have been dating for a long time. "

"They have. They were close friends through thier parents, even before I came in. So I knew they were gonna end up together sooner or later. I've been trying to get her to just focus on school, then date Daniel after highschool. But she just won't listen, her fear just keeps haunting her. "

I nodded in true understanding. The bell rang for break over. The teachers were having a meeting at the principal's office. That's a free period.
We left the homeroom to go to ours.
"They could still be together but be able to focus on what's more important. Daniel will be up for it, but not Nicki." Carol continued

"Well, I support you, with experience. But they just got together or at least they just solved a problem. Let's wait till the romantic tension relaxes."

We laughed.
"Change of topic anyways. I'm thinking of starting my Physics project-"
I stopped talking when we were close to an argument at the other side of the hallway. It was so close that if we took a left from the straight hallway, we would see the two people arguing.
"This is outrageous! What kind of joke is this?!" One said.

"Alex, calm down. I know it looks bad, but maybe we can still fix it. " The other said.
Carol and I took a left, now knowing that Alex was there.
Alex saw me.
"Well speak of the devil! You idiotic imbecile!" Alex insulted.

"Excuse me! " I asked shocked.
"Yeah Alex what's wrong?" Carol asked shocked as well.

" I'll tell you what's wrong! This sorry excuse for a human thought that it will be funny to damage my drone!" Alex shouted at me. He threw the chunks of black robotic parts, still slightly bounded by the wires, to the floor with great force.

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