The Name: Jayson or Jay?

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" I'm Jayson, but my friends call me Jay" He introduced himself.

"Well am I allowed to call you Jay?" I asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Depends....wanna be my friend?" He smirked, and winked at me friendly.

I didn't give in that easily and just wanted to play it cool.
" Yeah sure okay." I shook hands with him.

I faced him completely now.
"So I'm sure you didn't just walk up to me to become friends. What do you want?"
I asked Jay politely.

Jay chuckled. "What? No, no. I don't want a thing from you. I just haven't seen your face around here in school and I take good pleasure knowing new people everyday, helps to refresh my fun side."

I giggled. " Well okay, if you say so."
I shrugged smiling at him. He sat on the table next to mine.

"So did you just transfer today or have you been hiding in the shadows or something? "

"Haha very funny." (That was my sarcasm)
"Well yeah, I transfered just today. I wrote my entrance exam a month ago"

"Oh that's good, if you're here it means you did well obviously."

"Yeah, it isnt-"

Just then his phone started to ring. Jay fetched his phone out of his pocket. His smile turned into a frown when he looked at his screen. He silenced it and put it back in his pocket.
"Everything okay?" I was concerned but not that much.

"No problem at all. So what were you saying?"

But before I could continue, the teacher came in. Everyone arranged themselves and sat on the seats. Some left the class, carrying thier books with them. Jay waved goodbye and sat on the far side column from me.

Just then, a girl came into the homeroom, clutching her laptop to her side while carrying a bag full of newspapers on the other. She sat next to me as she waved her packed black hair side to side. She brought out her laptop and began typing away.

She looked busy and I decide to be busy too. I brought out a textbook and started to read.
The topic I was reading was familiar to me, so after a few paragraphs, I continued to stare at the girl.
"30 minutes, 30 minutes, 30 minutes, I gotta hurry" She muttered over and over again under her breath.

I got intrigued and leaned back on my chair, resting so I could see what she was typing.
She suddenly looked back at me that made me jump a little in surprise. She smiled and said "Hey"

I 'hey-ed' back at her.

It was silence there after. She was typing faster than before and minutes passed by before she could hit the enter button on her laptop.
"Yes!" She whispered in victory as a second later, the bell rung. I assumed it was the first class of the day.

I looked at the paper I folded in my fist. I unfolded it staring at my school time table. English Language was my first class.
I reached for my bag to bring out my English textbook and note.
I was ready to go only to see that she too, the girl with the laptop, had the same English Language textbook on her table. She looked at me again and the textbook in my hand.
"Oh you're having English class too?"

"Oh yeah. I am" I said nodding

"Good. We can go together then?"

" Yeah, sure. No problem" I said genuinely happy. I followed her to the door. I looked to my side seeing Jay looking intently at his phone, still with a frown on his lips.

I walked out.

Words: 653

his chapter was short because I needed a fast continuation to the next. Besides, this is gonna be a long story, and so need shorter chapters. Thanks for reading. Please vote and tell me what you think in the comments.

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