The Queen Bee

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I was in between escape and confession.

There was a high possibility of confession because my hand was already on the lie detector. To be honest, I hadn't forgotten the kiss he gave me. But when Nicki asked that question, the whole scene replayed in my head.
My mouth twitched.
"Well? Did you kiss Leo? Yes or No?" Nicki asked again.

My cheeks were suddenly burning.
Kelly smirked evilly and got all up in my face saying to me, " you aren't answering, probably because it's true! You kissed Leo didn't you?!"

"What?! No! Of course not!"
The red button flashed.


They're mouths dropped and widened thier eyes at the machine and then at me. I could feel my own sweat. I said the first thing I could think of: "It was an error-"

"NOPE! HUGE LIE!!!" Kelly said getting up from the circle to pace around the room, processing the new information.

"First, Ew. Kissing people while in highschool is disgusting." Carol said with disgust.

Nicki rolled her eyes.
"Secondly, Leo? Of all people? At Grayson's party?"

"I- I- didn't kiss him-" the red button flashed again and this time, using common sense, I removed my hand from the lie detector.

I backed away to the door. They both stood up.
"I just knew it, you were just off after we found you." Carol said walking slowly towards me.

Nicki followed. "And 'having your period'? That's the lamest lie. Your sucked up lips had already given you away the second I saw them." She said.

" She actually kissed a senior." Kelly murmured.
Carol and Nicki come towards me, like lions getting ready to devour thier prey.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated. We looked at the bed side table on the left where my phone was still plugged in.
We both looked away from the phone to each other.

Without thinking twice, I dashed for my phone.


Saturday 11:47pm
They were after me.

Even when I had a perfect head start, Nicki was on to me, with her huge boobs just bouncing.
Wasn't she cautious of those things??!

Close to the kitchen, Nicki finally pinned me down, with me laying on my chest. She only took one hand because I had tightly held my phone in the other, stretching it out of her reach.
But Carol, unexpectedly took my phone.
"Nooo!" I whined at my defeat. "Hey! Give me my phone! Stop!" I screamed at Carol.

But she ignored me and went on to turn on my phone.
Apparently the notification we received was to show my battery was full.

I wriggled under Nicki's hold, now that she had both of my hands. But surprisingly, that girl was really strong.
I looked up to Carol.
"Ok Carol, why are YOU, someone who finds 'highschool dating' a waste of time and energy, searching MY PHONE for messages RELATED to highschool dating?"

"I'm curious because I wanna know how this goes. Although I'll not support highschool dating. NEVER EVER!"

"Never say never!" Nicki said, chuckling at her own joke.

Carol hissed at my phone screen. " Dang it. Has a password." She looked at me with a questionable look.

" In your dreams." I replied.

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