The Unfair Fight

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Friday 10:02pm
It wasn't safe at this time of the night to be outside, but the word 'curfew' meant nothing to Alex. His body and mind had matured and outgrown fear. In short, he just had little empathy left in him.

The small convenience store showed itself as Alex drove straight ahead on the road. It hadn't changed a bit; only the wall paint getting dirtier. It wasn't the best but it was always open 24/7.
He parked his car in the driveway and went in, taking a shopping basket from it's stack right next to the shopping counter.
The seller behind the counter was a teenager himself.
He looked like an orphan that would likely suffer the same story as Oliver Twist; just much more modern and 2 times worse. The teenager didn't even notice Alex's presence, neither did he look to care.

Alex went to the further back of the convenience store, picking anything that was edible. He looked at a packet of crackers, turning it around while checking for an expiry date but was interrupted by the bright head lights of another car that shone into his eyes through the show window of the convenience store.

The car parked next to his, it's headlights turning off. Alex observed as two males, one being his age and the other being quite older got off the car. The younger one looked at Alex's car for a moment. He called to the other and they both inspected the car, having small talk as if they were planning to steal it.
But they made no suspicious move. Instead, they entered the convenience store.

Alex had a bad feeling about them.

But he resumed his shopping and when the basket was full to the top, he went to the counter to cash out.
The teenager behind the counter looked away from his phone. He sure didn't look happy about his job but he got to work, calculating the price of the items.

The two boys shortly came after, also wanting to cash out.
Alex, without turning his head, looked at thier items.
A few magazines that looked all sexual; front and back, a huge bag of chips, two sodas and a packet of batteries.
The younger one, who wore jeans and a baggy shirt with dyed orange spiky hair looked at him. Alex looked back at the teenager, who placed all his items in two grocery bags.
"That'll be 178.99" The teenager lazily said.

Alex brought out his wad of cash, quickly counting the cost and gave it to him. Alex carried his items and went out.
He put his goods on the floor of the passenger seat in his car and drove off to the Pizza Dome.
He kept a watchful eye on the car's side mirror.


Friday 10:36 pm.
He didn't like this feeling, he never did.
But he always dealt with it.
They were waiting for him to come out; he just knew.

Alex watched the young woman place his pizza in the box.
Quite like the convenience store, they were open till 11:00pm. When done, Alex paid for his pizza and went out the door.
"Heyyyy..." A voice called.

Alex turned around to see the boy he saw earlier, the younger one. Alex didn't respond, giving him a what-do-you-want look.
He continued. "I noticed that you own the car parked to mine and I just knew that I had seen your face somewhere."


"So, I want to ask you a private question, and I -"

"Then that private question shouldn't be answered." Alex said rudely.

The boy looked at him with squinted eyes. and smiled mischievously.
"I had doubts but now I'm seeing the proof. I'm surprised. You're Alex Steel aren't you?"

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