The Red Glasses

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Wednesday 3:30 pm.
Jessica was removed from the team. She wasn't happy but she had whispered something to Zoe's ear before angrily stomping off to the benches.
2 to 6.

Details aren't important now, we won.
Zoe obviously was the last one to be taken out. Jay was finally able to take her down.
And as a gift, we all got straight A's on our first Physical Educational report this term.
"Ahhh Holly that was such a good game. I hope we can play again sometime." Ace said to me when he came to congratulate Jace on his victory.

"Sure. I hope so too! It was so energizing!"
Even if we were enemies on the field, both homeroom 9 and 19 laughed their way out.
Jay wasn't laughing with us as he kept thinking deeply as he walked along with us.
I elbowed him lightly on his arm.
"What's up? Talk to me" I said smiling reassuringly at him.

He sighed. "I just... I feel so sorry for what I did back there. Maybe I should have aimed better and Daniella wouldn't have gotten hurt"

Daniella's pain didn't easily go away. Earlier, Carol escorted her to the school clinic, which to me was surprisingly NOT a small building.
"Well I kinda feel bad as well." I said

We walked in silence.
"Heeeyyy I know! Why don't we go to the clinic. I'm sure she'll be resting but it won't hurt to go there and apologize to her."

Jay's face lit up. "Oh yeah! You're right. Thanks Holly" Jay said and he ran towards opposite the hallway.

"Hey! I said 'we'!!! Not only you! Wait for me!" I said running behind him.

When we got there, we sat on the benches in the reception waiting for a nurse to pass by. But I had spotted Leo coming out from one of the doors. He was holding a tray of drugs while wearing hand gloves. So he DID work with the school doctors.
"Oh Leo! Hey!" I said getting up and approaching him. Jay followed behind me.

"Oh hey you guys. What do you want?"
He specifically turned to me, "You're not hurt are you?"

"No I'm fine."

"We're here to see someone. Daniella." Jay said, straight to the point.

"Room 2. Bed close to the window."

Jay didn't say anything and just walked straight ahead. I was surprised since he didn't say a thank you or something appreciative.
I looked at Leo. "Well..did it go right?" He asked.

"Yeah it was fine." I lied.
Jessica almost fought me, but I controlled myself. That's enough accomplishment. He nodded with a smile and walked away. I smiled at his back. For some reason, my hands felt suddenly warm.
Iwent into Room 2.

"It's okay. It hurts but it isn't that bad" A chipmunk voice said from behind the curtain.

"Alright if you say so. I hope you get better." Jay said before I could show myself to her. Jay stood close to the bed folding his arms.
When I looked at Daniella I could defend that her very white cheeks went pink, before I had joined.
Jay was very attractive.
"Hi... Daniella. Are you feeling better?"

She looked at me. Her ginger hair was still in two braided pig tails and she was under a cover on the bed. She had removed her red glasses. "Yes I'm fine. How do you know my name?"

"Heard it a couple of times today." I said smiling at her.

I wanted to ask her if she had any relationship with Jessica at all. Besides with the kind of appearance she had, I'm not sure there will be a stable friendship between her and Jessica.
But she was hurt, physically. I couldn't make a mistake.
"It wasn't your fault Jay. I was in the way anyways." She said.

"You're not wrong" I muttered which made Jay give me a short glance.

I'm not wrong!
"Well take care of yourself." Jay said. He left the room. I wanted to follow him but Daniella called me back.

" I just wanted to also apologize for Jessica's outrage."

" She values her teammates well, I guess." I shrugged.

"We can say it like that" She said chuckling.
I chuckled too and bid her goodbye.
Jay waited for me at the reception.
"So meet you tomorrow?" Jay said with his usual smile.

"Yep! See ya!" I said.
He went before me. I was adjusting my shorts, preparing to leave but Jessica and Zoe suddenly appeared . They weren't wearing uniforms anymore.
"Must you be everywhere? What are doing here anyway?" Jessica said when she spotted me.

"I came to apologize to Daniella"

"Why? You said you didn't throw the ball at her." A pause, "So  you were lying." Zoe interrogated.

All this again! "No I wasn't. I just felt like I had to apologize."

"Because you felt guilty" Jessica said.

I looked at them face to face. I smacked my lips. "That's it. I'm not playing your game!" I walked around them but Zoe dragged me back.

"And where do you think you're going? We're still talking to you. This conversation isn't over." Zoe said coming close to me like she was gonna eat me like a lion.
But I was no prey. I stood high.

"Yeah, Didn't your parents ever teach you not to cut someone off. It's a bad conversation habit." Jessica said as she went behind me and started to touch my hair.

I shook my head from her touch, backing away.
"Whaaat?" She cooed. "I'm just feeling it. Your hair is awfully tangly."

Zoe came forward, " Yeah, let's straighten it up for you..." The least I expected it, she pushed me and Jessica from behind, dragged my pony tail so down to the ground. I shouted in pain.
They aimed for my legs..

"HEY! This is a clinic! Do you two have self respect at all?" Leo said as he angrily walked down the hallway.

Zoe grunted in annoyance and Jessica went back to her side. I immediately stood up on my feet. Leo reached the scene. He was angry, furious even.
"What do the hell do you two brats think you're doing?"

"What's your business Leo?" Zoe said.

Leo immediately shut her up that made her shocked.
"You better shut your crap you imbecile. You're in a clinic; a place filled of tranquility and of all places, you decided to drop your drama here? Are you that unconscious to your own foolishness?!!"

"Why are you-"

"Get out. Now!" Leo commanded pointing to the door.
Jessica was shocked. But Zoe didn't go anywhere. She chuckled.
"Oh I see..."  She turned to me, "Holly here is already hitting off with a senior in just 3 days. No shame at all! "

Leo had had enough as he forcefully dropped the tray of drugs on the counter, which had no receptionist. He was ready to throw them out if he had to.
Jessica and Zoe scurried off.

I looked at Leo. He's veins showed clearly but he took in a deep breath and calmed down.
"Holly, go to detention. Now." He said as he picked up the tray of drugs once more.

"Okay." I said not wanting to frustrate him even more.
I left hurriedly.

Words: 1264
Boys tend to get angry sometimes.
Everyone does. I wanted Leo to fight for Holly in some way but for some other reason as well. I'm pretty sure shouting or fighting in a hospital isn't legal or so.
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