The Lesson

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Sunday 7:23am
Even when Sam picked me up by 7:00am as she promised, I was so sleepy. Maybe because the girls and I slept off by 2pm in the morning while scheming our plan to overthrow Jessica.
I yawned, remembering my blackmail against Sam.
" and Jason?"

"Please, shut up."
I smirked.

Getting back home, we started to prepare for church. I brought out my gown and went downstairs to iron them but Sam had gotten to the iron first.
I decided not to disturb her because when she picked me up earlier, she looked so tired, oddly calm, pale and well...tired.
Like she didn't sleep at all.

I thought the deal we had was actually disturbing her and wanted to at least ask about it.
"Did you say your morning prayers?" She asked abruptly.

"Yeah. Did it with my friends." I said.

She nodded. "Go prepare breakfast, I'll iron your dress for you." She said not removing her attention from her ironing.
I dropped my dress on the couch next to her.
This was suspicious.

I just thanked God on my way to the kitchen, that she wasn't planning revenge on me.


Sunday 7:46am
"Gordon Ramsay would easily throw your dish out the window by now" Sam said trying to swallow down the fluffy pancake I made.

How dare she insult my hardwork?
During our breakfast, Mom and Dad came back. When Mom saw I wasn't sick anymore she was beyond happy and said she was gonna testify in church about it.

I didn't have a problem with it at all. We DID have to share God's miracles and works in our lives.
God was forgiving and loving and was the one and only. He forgave those who truly asked for forgiveness.
Though people are scared to come to the light from the dark. People like Dad-back then in his teenage years.

You see, Dad and Mom had a rough history before they got married.
Mom was a Christian and Dad was any typical sinner, who was a scientific genius and always depended on and believed in facts, evolution and all that.

Mom was very beautiful and modest during her teenage years, even till now, and she got Dad's attention. They started to date but when Dad figured that she was a Christian, he began to regret dating her.
Her preaching of the gospel and the talk of Jesus dying for man's redemption from sin, bored him to death and just made him annoyed at her.
I mean, why believe in a god that didn't exist, a god that never showed himself, a god that wasn't even real? That's what my dad always asked himself.
The unanswered questions drove him to hate Mom and her presence in whole.
So after much thought, he decided to break up with her the next day, that night that he almost lost his life. 

That night, teenage Dad was working his head off in his laboratory on an important solution, up at his parent's basement of thier mansion.

As he spent more time with science, the more he neglected sleep and food.
Resulting him, in the middle of his experiments, to be unfocused. He accidentally mixed a wrong chemical into his solution which heated on the bunsen burner.
It took a few bubble formations and the solution exploded. It was such a huge explosion that threw my dad right into the wall and made glass wares to break.
He tried to get up, but his body was too weak.

Unfortunately, the explosion, having high reactivity, reacted with the fire of the bunsen burner that was on, which spread the fire so quickly around the laboratory
Dad watched in horror as his laboratory caught fire, with him in it. Dad called for help from his parents but none answered.
The air was getting contaminated-fast. Dad began to choke aggressively as tears clouded his eyes.
His inhaler was too far away and even if it was close it could have been damaged from the explosion. The curtains caught fire, a glassware exploded beside him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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