The Detention

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Wednesday 4:00pm
"Detention holds at Homeroom 1, downstairs." The loudspeaker installed on my homeroom wall said.
I groaned with frustration as I packed my books into my bag ready to go and fulfill my detention. Carol noticed as she was about to leave for home.
"Wait... you're having detention? A week hasn't even passed by. I don't believe you"

" Well you should and it's all because of Jessica!"

Carol was interested. " Jessica. You know her? How did you meet her? "

I waved her question off. "A long story. I just thank God it's only an hour there. "

Soon I left for detention.
The class was half full. 10 students in total, all wearing orange jumpsuits over thier clothes. Like they were filling out thier jail terms for breaking the law.
There was no teacher.
I looked beside me seeing another dozen orange jumpsuits hanged on the wall. I took one and put it on.

While sitting down and minding my business- well not technically since I was spying secretly on people's faces while they talked, the red beanie guy, Jo, turned round along with the two twins. The three waved at me to come over.
I did. The twins immediately recognized me from that first day.
"That's strange what are you doing in detention" The twin asked. Madison and Addison were they're names.

"Long story."

"Well a long detention story is worth it no matter the length. C'mon speak up" Jo said.

I mentioned Jessica and her dumb parking space and the worms. They all had worried looks and questions.
Mostly of how I knew her so quickly and how I had gotten myself into her mess.
" I remember when I rode my skateboard on her parking space." Jo recalled, "Jessica got so angry, she reported me to the old principal. I didn't think it was fair since, her "private property" was school property. I got detention anyways.

"I remember when I had beef with her once. I told someone that I had a crush on Jay back then in my first year. That someone had told Jessica and it turns out Jessica had a crush on him too. She made my life a living hell till I left Jay alone" Addison said in a low voice.

" Jessica likes Jay?" I said in a not so hushed voice.

" Ssssshhhhhhhhh!!!!! " The three all shushed at me, index fingers at thier lips.

It was too late, everyone had heard. And before I knew it, one after the other, students among us started to talk about when Jessica threw an after-party in the basketball court to celebrate Jay on his last goal score in the breath taking match against a prestigous school last year, but he didn't show up because he got injured.

Or how she anonymously left him a valentine gift in his locker but he never got to see it because he lost his locker keys in the field during training. No one knows how she got the gift in the locker in the first place.

Or even how she finally planned to confess her feelings to him through a novel as a gift on his birthday but she didn't know the date and he didn't tell her either and many stories of her failed plans later.
Point is, Jessica's crush on Jay never moved further neither did it go back.

No wonder she couldn't admit to Jay hitting Daniella earlier. She had a crush on him... for a whole year.
"I know Jay would never date her. He's not her type. He's too smart for her." A girl said who had on a cheerleader costume.

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