The Counter Guy

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Note: The likes and dislikes of fictional characters of this story is meant ONLY for the sake of the story line. Nothing more.
Thank you.


"I thought you were smarter than those fools" Leo said angrily.

I was dumbfounded but I said my mind.
" You heard my story, Would you expect me to just let go and allow them to spill worms on me?!"

" No, but at least you could have escaped any better"

" Oh my gosh Leo. Stop, what do you think you're doing scolding me? I was freaking scared and besides, they're crazy for trying to spill worms on me" I said feeling the anger again. " Don't you believe me?"

" You're telling the truth. I know you are b-but-"

" But what?" I said almost losing patience.
The surrounding tables started to watch us. The feelings returned again.
I waited for an answer, but someone had butt in.
"Hey Holly!" Jay said with a tray of food in hand alongside with another boy, who had shaggy, spiky, dirty-blonde hair.

Jay saw that Leo was with me. The look they shared was short and Leo stood up.
"I'll see you later Holly." And he left. I didn't stop him.

Jay introduced his friend as Daniel. Daniel showed me a very huge boyish smile, cuter than Leo's. He stretched out his hand and he shook mine with crazy excitement.
"I've heard so much about you Holly. It's so awesome to meet you in person"

" Umm.. thanks. By 'so much', how much? " I said feeling awkward but somehow grateful.

" Well... " Daniel sat next to me, Jay following after at the opposite. " I heard about the little dispute you had with Simpson"

" Simpson? " I asked.

" Jessica Simpson. " Jay answered.

" Oh yeah. It wasn't important. Really"

" It's been on he blog for 3 whole days straight now. The new news brought down the funny incident with Jo! Haha! The guy broke so many bones! " Daniel said with a cheery laugh.

" Jo? " I asked again, puzzled at the unheard names.

" Don't worry about it" Jay said reassuringly.
Daniel stuffed his mouth with tacos. His tray was tremendously full.
I looked at the cafeteria line and saw that only one person stood at the line.
I excused myself and went to order my food.
Standing next to him, I took a cheese burger with freshly fried french  fries to go with it, topping it with a diet coke. I was about to carry my tray when he spoke to me.
"That is way too much fat in one sitting."

I looked at my plate. I really wanted to ignore this guy, besides, I had the kind of body that no matter what I ate I never really added weight. Also to the contributions of learning martial arts.
"I'll exercise it down" I said politely.
He gave me a glance that sent chills down my spine. I left hurriedly.

I came back to the table only to see that Danie had started on Jay's tray. I was stunned. I didn't mention the guy at the counter to them.
"You know Holly, water could have been fine" Daniel said after he dropped the spoon.

I looked down as I became suddenly discouraged.
"Why don't you give me the coke and you go get water?" Daniel offered "Huh Huh?" he wiggled his eyebrows.

"No! Go get your own soda!" I said annoyed.

He laughed. "Okay okay"
I laughed as well.
As we discussed, which Jay slowly departed from as he busied himself chatting, I noticed the guy at the counter.... no The Counter Guy.... sitting at the table in front but with a partner: Jessica's friend, the blonde one!
She twirled her hair as she was talking to the counter guy, repeatedly touching and rubbing his arm.
As I saw it, the counter guy cared less. He just busied himself with his phone. Maybe she's the over caring lovey-dovey girlfriend and he is the badass, I-don't-care-what-you- do boyfriend.
She continued twirling her hair.

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