The Danger

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Friday 2:30pm
Authors POV
Everyone departed from school grounds, with vehicles, skateboards or on foot. Either way, Everyone was looking forward to the weekend.

Alex leaned on his black jeep, scrolling through his phone while Jay watched Ace enter his bike and rode past them, out the gate. Jay turned to Alex, who had put his phone in his pocket.
"You'll live through it. Besides I don't think he would notice your presence in the house." Jay said.

Alex shrugged his shoulders, less caring about the future with his father.
"He won't be in the house anyway. Let's go." Alex said.
They both got in the jeep and hit the road.


Friday 2:57pm
It was a silent ride as they passed cars on the road. The car smelt like flowers, the good scented kind, which was distributed faster with the help of the car AC.
Jay glanced at Alex, who had straight eyes on the road.
"Incase you're wondering, I've forgiven her." Alex said, not looking at Jay.
He took a left turn.

"I know." Jay said smirking. "You were less grumpy after she apologized. But that's not it." Jay said as he removed his gaze from Alex and to his side of the car window.

"Speak up. I hate people who aren't bold." Alex said harshly but respectfully.

" You hate everything" Jay said.

Alex said nothing.
"Don't drop me off at my house." Jay said. 

Alex raised an eyebrow.
"Let's go to the Pizza Dome instead."

The Pizza Dome was the best place to get a hot, fresh box of pizza. They never failed hunger.
"It's been a long time since we had their delicious pizza. What do you say?"

"I'll pass." Alex simply said.

Jay frowned. "Why?"

"I'm not in the mood."

Jay rolled his eyes. "Of course you aren't."


Friday 3:29pm
Jay's house had a tight and high fence, to keep the noisy news reporters away.

After the incident of years ago, Jay's family wanted nothing to do with the internet, or the outside world. If caught, they would have to deal with the same problems all over.
Alex had it worse.

The gatekeeper opened the gate for Alex's jeep to enter. He parked his jeep, a space away from Jay's father's car.
Jay didn't get out. He stared at Alex.
Alex stared at him.
As if each other knew what they were saying.

The gateman bluntly watched them from the gate. He sighed.
"These children.." He chuckled before entering his one bedroom built house, next to the gate.

"My father has been asking about you." Jay said.

"Tell him I'm fine-like you always do." Alex said.

"My mom's worried too. You can come in for dinner if you like-"

"Jay stop it. I'm not going to hang out with you or your family. Especially your sister, I feel like she's out for my head."

" Because she is?"

"You get the point! Stop pitying me and stop caring. I'm not weak Jay. I can take care of myself. You've known me for too long and you know that even at such a young age I was forced into the shoes adulthood."

" I know that. "

"Good. Then you should know that I dont need your concern to live happily."

"Alex, stop depending on your ego! Your hurting yourself, and everyone else that cares for your own existence. You may think you're simply pushing others away, but your being plain selfish."

"Go home Jay." Alex said.

Jay hissed, shaking his head as he got off the car. His bag slouched on his shoulder, he slammed the car door shut.
Alex didn't wait for Jay to enter his house before he drove out of his land.


Friday 9:46pm
He was grateful for the mansion being empty. The curtains were down, the lights were turned off and the doors were closed 
It was so quiet, and it calmed him down. He forgot all about the drone at that time.
Alex went upstairs to his room, throwing his bag to the floor, caring not for whatever was inside. He loosed the rubber band that held his long raven black hair in a bun. It slowly and gracefully went down his shoulders. A huge bang covered his left eye.
He watched this on his mirror.

After a cold shower, he went downstairs to feed his empty stomach. The kitchen twinkled with cleaningness, achieved by the maids at the early morning. But sadly, he met an empty huge fridge and an empty kitchen store.
Alex rubbed his temples in frustration as he closed back the fridge.
What was he expecting, in a mansion that one visited only once a week?

He didn't need time to think of what to do.
He dressed up casually; a dark shirt, sweatpants with sneakers and stuffed his pocket with a bundle of cash.
Using another car that belonged to his father, he drove out the gate, the grim and dark gate keeper locking it after.
Watching Alex drive off into the dark road at such a late hour didn't surprise him.
The gatekeeper only shook his head.
He has been working for the Steel family for a long time.
And boy, has he seen things. 

Words: 917
I changed my idea of Alex being in the mafia because I don't know how things were done there. The reason for Alex's grim and dark personality will be different and something I know.much about.
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