The Betrayal

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Friday 7:00pm
I forgot to wash my jeans, shorts or even trousers in the washing machine.
Meaning, I had to wear a gown...A GOWN!!!
Even when I fussed and complained about wearing a gown to the Award Ceremony instead of pulling up in a fancy pants and cute baggy top to mom, she strongly disagreed. She reminded me that the world didn't 'revolve' around me.
That shut me up.

For once in Sam's life, since her highschool prom, she actually looked like a damsel and not a retired woman in her 40's (without the wrinkles)
She stood in front of the huge mirror next to the elevator in the living room, in a bright green long dinner dress, her hair coiled at the trims, as she carefully wore her diamond earrings, a ruby ring on her finger.

I don't remember her owning that before.

My mom took the honors of giving my dad a haircut. She did a good job because she had turned my dad from a tired, scientific hippie, lumberjack (without the beard) into a young handsome (yet nerdy) rich man.

I wasn't surprised as mom knew how to do many things: do a haircut, bake, fix a car, run a shop, make shoes, make clothes, architecture, nursing and many more.
Mom once told me she had worked 5 jobs when she was younger because her parents were very poor and as the oldest of 3 children had to provide for her family when her parents passed away.

I confirmed this from Grandpa and Grandma (from dad's side) who said that that was one of the many reasons they supported dad's marriage to my mom, despite friends and relatives telling them that the status was simply not the same.
My Grandparents couldn't give a hoot about thier opinions.

And hey! We're doing really good as a family!
Besides mom and dad's meet up story is really bizarre. But that's a story for another day.

Anyways, minutes later after being grumpy, I found myself adoring my reflection in the mirror while wearing the dark green gown, with short sleeves with a V-neck, straightening it even if there weren't any rumples. I had packed my hair into an elegant bun decorated with flowers as an accessory.
it wasn't THAT bad.

I couldn't wear heels because I didn't want my feet aching when I came back, so I settled for black court shoes.

I went to my room to get my backpack and took the elevator again to the reception downstairs.

I waved at Mandy our receptionist who was packing her things behind the counter. She was to leave for the day when we come back from the ceremony.
I was out at the huge front lawn and went to the limo, our transportation to the ceremony and put my backpack into the boot.
"Woah dad, you look stunning!" I said when I returned back into the living room.

Mom brushed her hair in front of the mirror this time while Sam used her compact.
Dad buttoned his suit, same color as mine and gave me a handsome smile.
"Thank you dear. You look beautiful and Sam as well." He said.

Sam glanced at us with a smile and got back to applying powder on her face.

"They got it from the best." My mom said as she came and took dad's arm in hers. Dad smirked at her.

"Oh I know.."
They chuckled darkly while looking deep into each other's eyes. I knew if I stayed there, they might start kissing or something.


Friday 7:29pm
My phone rang.
It was Nicki. Either she was calling because our wifi just got finished or she realized I wasn't at the party.
Carol called shortly after. So they knew I wasn't there. I didn't want to answer the calls and start answering questions that could lead to disappointments so I ignored them.

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