The Sister

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My lips were trembling. I had had many kisses: on my hand (mostly the fault of the sons of rich men), on my forehead and on my cheek, but never on the lips.
Percy had never come this close with all the lucky chances he had.

I had just had my first kiss, with a senior.
He had this twinkle in his eyes but I didn't look at it for long. I looked down at my shoes.
"First?" He asked chuckling.

I nodded fast, blushing hard.
"Holly, if you didn't like it, I'm-"

"No, it's okay." I murmured. "I didn't NOT like it." I said.

It was embarrassing to say the exact words.
It was even more embarrassing that after all the warnings from Sam and my parents, I couldn't avoid this.

Leo held my hand.
"Meet me in the school garden on Monday. Alright?" He said.

I bit my lip and finally looked at him.
"Leo, this doesn't... seem right."

" A senior and a junior? What's wrong with that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Forget what I said. Just meet me there. Don't be late."

"I'll think about it. Let me?" I asked.

"It's on Monday. You have enough time." Leo smiled at me.

He gave me another kiss, on the cheek. This time, I was less shocked but more guilty. Guilty for not pushing away at that moment.
When he left, I left the balcony and sat on the bed, thinking of my mixed feelings.

It was as if I could still feel his lips on mine.
As if he was still here. I slapped myself to stop thinking in a spoilt manner.

Oh God please forgive me!

The door suddenly opened and in came Nicki and Carol. They were shocked and relieved to see me. Nicki ran to the bed and sat on it.
"Holly why did you abandon us? Aren't you supposed to be in the bathroom by now?"

Carol closed the door behind her and joined us.
"Yeah what took you so long?" 

"Had to change my sanitary pad." I lied. "I'm on my period."


The both "ohhhh-ed" in realization and apologized.
"You missed a lot while you were doing that. Not like it's important anyways." Carol said.

" I want to know." I said.

"Mason and Ricky had a dance-off. You know the guy in our English class that dances like he has no bones in his body?" Nicki said.

"I know him. Who won?"

"Mason. He got a whole lot of money from people's bets."

"You know Georgia? The girl who still dresses like she comes from the 90's?"

"Yeah? The one who's dating Timothy?" I asked Carol.

"They broke up. She caught him kissing Angel at the bar. It was pretty hectic and unfortunately, interesting to watch."
Carol laughed. " He got slapped in the face. And Angel got kicked. She ran like a rat. "

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