The Refusal

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Saturday 8:23am
Dad didn't get the award.
He lost to that Japanese guy.

Apparently, dad's invention wasn't useful to the modern world at this moment because it was TOO futuristic.
Futuristic like a time machine or a space ship to travel to far planets.

Dad was honored and recognized still.

My guilt of not being there for my dad grew even more. I felt like I wasn't there for my him when he needed me.

When I was given medicine by mom, I went to the science lab to apologize to him, again. He was busy advancing his futuristic invention.
"Dad.." I sneezed. "Sorry for interrupting, I'm sorry for abandoning you when you were having your wow-moment. Please forgive me."

Dad didn't answer. I looked at him carefully.
He had ear muffs.

I walked towards him. He saw me and smiled.
"Holly! There you are, come see this!" He said ushering me over. I went behind him, as he was working on the invention's insides.

He showed me the invention's fuel guage. "Sam had told me that the invention relying on fuel to work wasn't a good idea since it might cause problems to itself and the environment if to be used in the future.
So it will use electricity instead."

" Wow dad, that's great. Really."

He stopped working on a series of red wires and dropped his tools on the table next to him. He faced me.

"Feeling better?"

"Yeah. I can walk around now. I just came to apologize for ditching you guys to go to some silly party."

My dad sighed. "It's okay. You're not the first to do it. But at least you had the conscience to know that what you did was wrong, unlike free living teenagers who spoil thier lives too early."

"Yeah. I was going to the garden to read a book."

"Here." My father said giving me a
walkie- talkie, in a circular shape, it had our company logo on the back.

"Incase I need you back in the house."

I took it from him and took the elevator downstairs. Waved to Maddie, our receptionist and went outside to the large garden at the side of the house, just after the large pool.

I sat under the shade of a tree, with a jar of cookies in hand and opened my book to read.
I sneezed at the book page.
Darn cold.


Saturday 9:30am
I was half done but my eyes were hurting and I needed a bigger tissue pack so I went back inside to lie down.
I dropped by the balcony to see Sam and mom but they were busy trying new facial creams.
Mom and daughter together.
I was kind of jealous being left out.

But I let them be only waving them as I passed to the elevator.


Saturday 9:46am
Did I mention my phone being seized as part of my punishment? It was the day after I got Alex's text. The one I ignored.
That's the reason for the circular walkie talkie. It was only my family I could communicate now for a month. Mom held on to my phone for me.
I was half sad and happy about it. Sad that I won't be taking texts or calls from my friends and happy that I won't have electronic disturbances.

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