The Sleepover...And More

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Saturday 9:30pm
Nicki's wide spaced room was a pink glitter bomb.

Everything was pink!

Her bed sheets, covers, wallpapers, slippers and curtains were... pink.
Her barbie themed PJ's sealed it all.
I shuddered inside, but I promised myself I would bear through my hatred for pink just for the sleepover.

I dropped my suitcase next to the door and in front of me was a big pink pillow fortress built at the other end of the room close to the curtains, with an opening covered with a pink linen as the door or something.
It looked so pretty and adorable.
"Nicki, did you build this?" I asked in amaze, walking towards it to feel the linen. But Nicki dragged me back.

"Shh! Carol's in there!" Nicki whispered to me.

"Why are you whispering?" I whispered back.

"She thinks you aren't gonna show up," She said turning me away from the pillow fortress towards the exit.
"I'm gonna scare her." Nicki said smirking devilishly.

I caught on. "What are you planning?"

"Follow me. We're turning the power off."


Saturday 9:47pm
Author's POV
After so much filing of her nails, Carol got tired, her legs outstretched on the floor with the nail files, nail paints, nail polishes, magazines and many other girly stuff in between them.
Wearing red silk sweatpants with a white off-shoulder baggy shirt and her black hair in a bun, she sighed in frustration and looked to the left towards the exit of the pillow fortress.
It was dark, only the Christmas white lights illuminated the inside.
"NICKI!!!" she screamed out. "Where are the cupcakes!??"

No answer. Carol sighed angrily and finally got up getting out of the fortress only to be met with complete darkness.
She immediately went back in.

Carol was a tough blankie.


She was a strong girl with a functional brain never letting her heart's selfish desires get in the way of objective judgement and thinking. Being honest and frank and still friendly was an outshining trait she had from the rest.
She was afraid of no one (excluding her dad and big brothers).
Except the darkness.
"Nicki! NICKI!!?!" she screamed.

Silent as a graveyard-without the nosy spoilt teenagers.
"Oh God...oh no. This is bad." She muttered while trying to process her case.

She called out again to Nicki and Kelly but no one answered.
"I'm just gonna wait for them-"

Suddenly, the Christmas white lights went off and the pillow fortress collapsed by an outside force. Carol screamed loudly in terror as the pillows and blankets lost thier balance, collapsing on her.
It was very dark now, no single sound.
Carol was too scared to call out to anyone, she just couldn't process what was going on. She didn't dare move, only able to hear her breathing.

Her eyes shot open in terror when she felt cold hands grab her ankle out of nowhere.
She screamed loudly as the cold grasp dragged her out easily, thanks to the low friction of the tiled floor, out of the heap of pillows and heavy blankets.

Carol was turned upwards, facing the ceiling.
"No please don't kill me! I beg you! Don't eat me! Please let me go!" She begged in the darkness covering her eyes with her arms while wriggling frantically.

Carol's eyes suddenly saw light but there was no sound. She slowly removed her arms from her face.

The power was back on.

She turned her head to the girl snickering beside her, who smiled mischievously.
Nicki did NOT control her laughter.

Carol looked to her 'held' ankle and saw Holly holding on to it, who was laughing.


Saturday 10:34pm
Holly Sparks' POV
Her face was priceless.
It was filled with horror and sweat while being pale as a ghost's.

I laughed so hard my sides hurt.
"Finally!" Nicki said triumphantly when she piped down. "I finally scared you! I did the dare, that's a hundred bucks for me!" Nicki said as she jumped up and down excitedly while pointing at Carol's pale face like a little kid that just won a bet.

Carol didn't get up, she was still on the floor, dazed.
"Girl, that ankle grasp was amazing!" Nicki said to me.

"I know right? " I said excitedly and dropped Carol's leg on the ground. "That ice water wasn't a mistake!"

"This was definitely worth it!" Nicki laughed.

Then, our partner-in-crime dropped in.
It was Kelly.
She wore a black comfy crop top and pink shorts while wearing her bunny themed slippers. Her black hair was in a messy bun.
"Did we scare her? Did it work?!" She said quickly entering Nicki's room closing the door behind her.

"Yassss!" Nicki sang out loud still feeling proud.

"100 bucks huh? We sharing right?" Kelly said snickering.

"What? No! This is MY dare!" Nicki defended.

"B-but I helped you! We gotta share the money." Kelly negotiated.

Then Nicki said with sass. "Did I ask you to help me?"

Kelly dramatically gasped and put her hand on her chest. "How could you?"

"Guys, calm down!" I said rubbing my hands together to make them warm after dipping my hands in ice cold water an hour ago. "Carol hasn't even coughed up the money yet."

I looked to Carol. "Hey Carol, time to pay up!" I said.

She closed her eyes, her head tilted slightly to the right.

I loomed over her, Nicki and Kelly doing the same
"Carol? Caroline?" I asked poking her arm.
She didn't respond and her face was pale... too pale.
I didn't hear her breathing.

Words: 954
Let your imagination take it from here;)
Yay! The chapter's short.
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