The Deal

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Saturday 2:56pm
It just wasn't fair!

First I wasn't allowed to invite friends, wasn't allowed to watch tv, wasn't allowed to use my phone, or go shopping! In general, not to do anything fun.

Secondly I wasn't allowed to go to Nicki's birthday sleepover, but stuck at home reading books... BOOKS!

I stood up from my bed and stretched feeling stronger after my long nap.
I hadn't fully recovered though.
But I was so bored of sleeping off my sorrow that I decided to walk around the halls of my house and aimlessly explore empty rooms.

I yawned loudly.

I didn't use the elevator to go downstairs but use the stairs so to energize my legs incase I needed to escape my sick bed to Nicki's house.
As if that was gonna happen.

stopped at the stairs and went a few steps back up and leaned my head down to peak.

Sam was downstairs with Zack.

Alone...oh boy.

I watched them from the stairs, to see if they were up to something. Just then, I had a mastermind idea.
I had decided to stay at the stairs, just to watch if those two were going to do anything naughty so that when I do, I'll use it to blackmail Sam and use her to convince mom to let me go out.

I smirked evilly.
This. Was. Perfect.
My evil scientist side was awakening...


Saturday 3:28pm
Zack had finally touched her hand on the kitchen counter... only for 3 seconds.
Sam didn't seem to notice.

Oh, her blinded eyes.

Zack's in love with you sis!

I was about to give up after squatting on the stairs for a long time but then she said something so surprising that I redrew back.
"What?" Zack asked surprised as well.

"You heard me." Sam said with a smirk.

I remembered that mom was with my phone. I could have been videoing this by now.

Where is mom and dad anyway?

Nevermind them because I then knew what I had to do.

The walkie-talkie.
I fetched it out of my pocket and pressed the button above the speaker. The little light bulb above it went blinking red.

Sam continued. "Have you ever kissed someone before? I ask again." Sam repeated herself.

Zack scratched the back of his neck blushing hard as he laughed nervously. He tapped his fingers on the kitchen counter as he did so. Sam had bent down to put the cookie dough in the oven.
He watched her intensly as she stood up slowly to face him.
Sam was wearing a sky blue short-hand crop top and a short jean skirt with her hair down her shoulders.
Zack sighed heavily.

What was happening here?!

Sam came closer to him.
"Um... no.. I mean yes... NO! no. Sorry. No I have never... kissed...someone before." Zack said.

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