The Blackmail

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Saturday 6:45pm
It's as if my cold vanished.
Because I was so excited to finally have an assurance that I was going to Nicki's sleepover. I could barely not smile while I made a bowl of cereal... even when it wasn't morning.

The elevator opened and out came my mom and dad all dolled up. I closed the half glass bottle of milk and put it back in the fridge and faced my parents. When I asked where they were going they said they were going on a date.
"Ohhhh, I see. So romantic mom and dad." I said as I sat down on the dining chair.

" I know right? Your dad's taking me to that fancy french restaurant in the city tonight." My mom said as she checked herself out in the full-body length mirror, close to the elevator.

My dad for the first time had his hair in a bun. It was adorable.
"Don't want our marriage dying like the Archers" My dad joked. Sam laughed out loud as she joined in.

She just came out of nowhere.

"Aww dad, that's so romantic! I love the way you and mom are so not tired of yourselves." Sam said grabbing a seat beside me.

Sam was right.
It had been a long time since my parents' last argument. The last time they argued, it was for a silly reason. Like dad ate all the cupcakes whenever he came out of the lab and mom trashing some of dad's scrap papers because she thought they were'trash'.
Either way, they were very close. 25 years of marriage is a long way to go.
"So when are you guys gonna be back?" Sam asked.

"Tonight. We might be late so you girls should cook dinner for yourselves. " Mom said as she got back to dad's side.

"Tonight? Oh no mom..." Sam said standing up as she approached mom.
She continued. "That's way too short for a date! I mean helllooo? You guys need more 'private' time."

"Care to elaborate?" Dad said, a little suspicious. Im sure he wants get back into the lab real quick.

"I'm saying, that you guys should come tomorrow morning. Why don't you guys go to a date today, rent a lavish and grand hotel room tonight, next morning, you guys have a perfect breakfast and then you'll be back by afternoon."

" Hmmm. " mom thought. "I don't know..."

"Mom, hear me out. You're too stressed. You and dad. You both need massages, especially you mom."
Sam whispered to her, which we all heard,
"You're having wrinkles!"

My mom gasped touching her face.

Sam was up to something.

"Honey," mom faced dad. "Sam has a point."

Sam smiled innocently.
My dad put his hand on his chin. "Well I do need a break from the lab. My wrist keeps hurting from that sprain."

"See!" Sam exclaimed. "You two need quality time. See this as your private weekend get-away. Infact, I'll help you guys pack your luggage and prepare your credit cards. Holly and I can take care of ourselves..." Sam was already whisking them back to the elevator, her hands behind their backs.

They entered.

I smiled at Sam.
She rolled her eyes and the elevator closed, taking them to the upper floor.


Saturday 7:23pm
They decided to take the SUV for thier weekend get-away as Sam helped to put thier bags in the boot of the car. Mom kissed Sam and I goodbye before entering the car. We waved at them and they left through the gate.
"Okay." Sam sighed facing me. "They're gone, so you'll be able to get back home in the morning."

She turned to walk back into the house. I followed her, with much better speed this time. I was glad I was gaining little energy.
"Have you packed your suitcase?" She asked.

"Yep! I'm gonna change into my pajamas now." I said.

We passed Maddie and entered the elevators. I went upstairs to change and bring down my suitcase. When I came back I saw Sam talking to someone on her phone and that made me remember about my phone.
"Sam, what about my phone?"

"I dont know. Check dad's room." Sam said as she put her phone in her pocket. "I have to change too."
We both went up the elevator. I went to dad's room going for his drawer first. My phone lay under pieces of paper, little box capsules and screwdrivers.
I took it and turned it on.

It had low battery.

Ugh! Couldn't my parents at least have the decency to charge it? I guess they wanted to hand me my phone 'dead', so I'll feel the punishment more.


Saturday 8:35pm
I had decided to wear a baggy short hand green shirt and black night shorts with white flip flops to Nicki's sleepover.

Sam was following the directions that the car GPS was giving. Sam hissed while she took a left turn on the road.
"This sleepover better be worth it Holly."

"Mom didn't hear about your secret, so you know it's worth it." I said with a smirk.

Sam blushed hard. "Whatever. When I drop you at her house, you're going to delete that recording!"

"Why should I?" I asked haughtily.

This was a time in my life where I could control my evil older sister! I'm not gonna give it up now.
"What?" Sam asked surprised.

"You heard me Sam. Why should I delete it? Look sis, incase you don't realize, I'm grounded for a month. Meaning, till February!  That's still too far!"

"Holly, delete it. NOW." She said with a dead serious look.

I didn't budge. "No."

Sam wanted to do something...anything. But she knew well she couldn't do anything revengeful while driving a car.
She sighed with frustration.
"Soon, really soon..." She mumbled.

But I didn't care. I had a sleepover to attend!


Saturday 9:23pm
"What about you? Where will you be going?" I asked Sam as I took my suitcase  out the boot of the car.

Sam closed the boot. "Riley's place. I'll be back by 7:00am on the dot."
She looked me in the eyes. "I wont wait for you."

I shrugged and waved her goodbye as she drove off. I turned to face Nicki's big black gate. Knocking, a gatekeeper opened the door.
He asked who I was.

I told him and added that I was here for Nicki's sleepover.
He smiled and told me to wait. 5 minutes later, Nicki opened the gate. She gasped when she saw me.
"Hey Nicki!" I said with a smile.

She smiled wider and gave me a tight hug. "Omg! You actually came! I'm so happy!"

"Nicki, your squeezing my lungs." I wheezed, when the hug became too tight.

"Hehe. Sorry!" She said letting go of me.

"Where's Carol? Inside?"

We went in together, passing the tennis table and unto the flower decorated porch of her duplex house.
It looked fancy-modern. 
Her dad IS a lawyer.
"Come in. Carol and the others are waiting!" She said opening the door.

"The others?"

Words: 1216
The electricity is back on and my phone's 5%. Gotta go.
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