The Worms

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Wednesday 6:16am
I was glad I came to school early. I successfully avoided Sam today. Her revenge is the worst thing any unlucky human being would want. A day had passed and I hadn't heard from Jessica ever since, I relaxed, truly assured that she won't try anything.

No one had come to school yet, at least the ones in my homeroom.
I settled down and busied myself with my phone, my homeroom door wide open.

I heard the door creak till it shut close. My guard shot up as I looked up to see Jessica in school P. E uniform as I was.
I sat up readying myself for anything.
"Haley.... am I right?" She said with a smirk.

"Yeah... Jenny?" I insulted back.

Her jaw clenched as her smirk fell into a frown.
"Hmph!" She huffed. "I've reported to the principal."

"Oh about your flimsy complaint? Spoilt brats like you never seize to amaze me." I shook my head in pity.

"He's in his office. Come with me now or your consequences will just enlarge" She said.

I thought it was strange because I had noticed that the principal doesn't come this early. Since she has posed as a very important person, who knows if she had pulled a few strings to get me in trouble.
Well I am also an important person. So I shouldn't be scared of her!
I put my phone in my pocket and stood up with my head high.
"Well let's go" I said walking towards her.
Jessica looked at me and then at the door.
I chuckled "You don't think I'm stupid, do you?"

"Do you really want the answer to that question?" She said.

"Be at the front Jessica, I'm not an idiot"

Jessica sighed heavily and left the class. I followed her close enough to not lose her. All of a sudden, when we suddenly passed the girl's restroom, two girls, precisely the ones with Jessica that day we met, jumped out and held me down so quickly. They took both my arms from my back first. I fell to the floor as they held my hands down.
Two other girls came and held my legs down to the floor.
I was pinned!
Jessica turned around and quickly brought out a medium sized cylindrical transparent flask that had brown stuff in it while wearing disposable hand gloves. She smirked evilly.
"What do you think you're doing?!" I shouted at them. "Let me go!!"

"Like I said Holly, this is just the beginning of your punishment." She said while slowly opening the transparent flask.

"What the hell is that, what are you planning to do?!!" I said horrified.

"Don't worry about it, They're harmless, they don't bite" Jessica said calmly.

They don't bite?? Oh my God.
They're alive. The brown stuff is ALIVE!

I squinted my eyes at the bowl and then it moved.
Oh no... "Worms..." I muttered.

The other 4 girls laughed at me. I was so struck with fear that I couldn't fight back so I screamed at the top of my voice. The blonde girl held her ears in pain. She had let go.
With my loose hand I punched the brown haired girl-hard.
"Emma?! Zoe! Hold her down!" Jessica ordered when she saw my hands were free.

The two other girls were slow to react and with my full energy, I jerked my upper body up dragging the 3rd girl's hair. She let go of my leg immediately. She tried to drag her hair away from my grasp and when I let go, she staggered back and fell to the floor.
Jessica watched and I knew she started to panick when she attempted to spill the flask of worms on me.
But my right leg was free. I kicked the last girl off my left leg, who collided with Jessica.

The flask went flying in the air.
It was dead quiet and with my quick thinking I ran to the nearest corner for distance. They tried to run but it was too late as brown worms flew in all directions as the flask collided with floor, bouncing repeatedly.
The worms landed on their faces, thier uniforms and shoes. The ground was a mess and the flask had bounced and rolled to my feet.
3 seconds passed.

A thrilling scream was heard.


Wednesday 6:34 am.
Jessica hysterically, along with her friends, shook her body trying to get the worms off her body while screaming loudly.
The worms freely and slowly crawled on the floor. I was disgusted. As if seeing them in the company's green house wasn't enough.
"What the heck happened here??" A male voice said. I looked up. It was a shocked Leo. Jessica stood there, clutching to herself. She looked at me and then to my feet. Immediately, she sprung to life and dragged Leo's shirt, pointing at me.
"She... that girl did this to us! Look," she pointed to my feet where the flask lay "she brought a flask of worms to humiliate me and my friends."

"What?" Leo asked puzzled.

"Yeah what?! What you just said was a huge lie!" I defended myself.

"Leo, Jessica isn't lying! Th- this new girl tried to take revenge on us or something!!" The brown haired girl said defending Jessica.

"WORMS EVERYWHERE!!!" The blonde cried out. I looked at her and saw tears roll down her cheeks.
At this point, I didn't know if they were truly scared or just acting.


"Leo, they're lying to you! They were the ones trying to pour it on me!"

Leo wasn't convinced. My homeroom teacher came and saw the horrifying sight and as expected, Jessica and her troupe told her the same lie and I being shunned.
The truth was hard to figure out and the evidence was critical. The teacher taught it was best to send us all to the principal's office.
"The principal's office! But that's not fair!"

"Shut up Holly! You just want to get out of your own mess!" Jessica said who I didn't know was crying.

"QUIET! You two, off to the principal's office right now! I can't decide the liar here!"


"No Jessica move it!" the teacher said. She told Leo to follow us, Incase we intend to fight.

We eyed each other before heading to the principal's office, with Jessica's troupe.
Few students in the halls watched us, mostly Jessica, as we passed the hallways.

In the principal's office, both Jessica and I had the chance to tell our own side of the story and fortunately there were witnesses.
Jessica's minions obviously stood up for her. A girl who had seen the whole thing believed that "I wasn't able to pour worms on her" like Jessica had accused me of.
An argument broke in the principal's office and since the situation couldn't be handled by judgement, he made the common solution, to every problem in a school: Detention.

An hour detention. Principal Brian sent out Jessica's friends and the witnesses to have a personal talk with only Jessica and I but it didn't work out since I kept protesting against his decision.
We also were sent out.
Leo came out after and he gave us both a dangerous look. One that I really felt was directed at me.
He shook his head and left.

I sighed. I turned to walk away from her.

I looked at her.
"You were just lucky today. Next time, you'll be the one getting embarrassed. And I'll make sure the whole school gets to mock you."

I took her threat seriously. "Well then go ahead. I don't know what your anger is all about. I'm not planning to take your popularity away or trying to make fun of you. I'm not your enemy."
I turned to her... " So leave me alone! Alright?"

"Impossible, you've already stepped on the tigers tail".
Before I could make a comeback she swiftly walked away angrily.

Wednesday 12:07 Break time.
My stomach begged for food but I just didn't feel like eating. I didn't know why...
Embarrassment, guilt or is it frustration?
Either way I went to the cafeteria. As I expected, an elite school comes with an elite food menu. The food line was long so I decide to sit at a far table while I wait. The ABC cafeteria was a huge hall, with many rectangular tables, 6 chairs for each. Close to the wide entrance, was the counter where they served food.
I rested into my chair sorting out my confused feelings.
The chair next to me got pulled out and got pushed in, only with a person sitting on it.

Words: 1486
I like the way I made Holly and Leo's relationship have speed bumps. I hope I was able to better the fight scene. Please vote and tell me what you think in the comments!

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