Chapter 20

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Gulf Pov

I chose a nice neighborhood restaurant for us to meet. As I walked in I noticed the light fixtures were different than what I'm used to, they were beer bottles painted and hung upside down with the light inside. It was quite unusual but in a good way. As we walked we saw the guys waiting at the table,their faces filled with curiosity and concern. I looked over at Team who was trying to look at everything in the room except the one he wanted to look at. I couldn't stand seeing my friend so upset, if there's anything I can do I am determined to do it.

" Hello guys, glad you could make it. " I said as I sat down.
" What going on Gulf? Is there something wrong?" Mew asked.
" Yes, there is, there is something hanging over us that we are not talking about but it's affecting all of us and our personal relationships."   
I added looking at Win then at Mew.

" Seriously, do you guys talk about everything!" Win said in frustration looking at Team.

" I certainly can't talk to you!" Team answered.

" Stop acting like a child Team!" Win said.

" I may be the younger one but everyone can clearly see who's more mature now" Team added.

"Guys!! Can you please keep it down, let's just clear the air calmly." I said trying to soothe the tension.

"Why are we butting into their relationship?" Mew asked

" We have our own stuff but let me deal with them first" I answered.

" Wait a minute, what ?!" He asked surprised.
"Later, right now we help our friends" I added.
He looked at me like he wanted to say something else, but then he just nodded.

" Ok everyone, let me start and please listen before asking any questions." I looked and everyone nodded.

" I think I've pretty much pieced together what happened at Teams birthday party" I said.

" I think it's definitely affected the dynamic of our relationships. Win, I want you to know I appreciate what you did that night and im sorry you were put in that situation. However I think you're behaving like an idiot as a result." I said looking straight at him.

" Excuse me!" He looked at me surprised.

" You heard me... " I said as he looked at me while upset.

" Why am I suddenly an idiot?" He asked.

"Because you're running away like a wuss. And making irrational decisions" I said.

" I know what im doing, this way is best for us and will keep everyone safe." He said.

" You can't honestly believe that. No matter who you're with or where you go, the fact that you guys are different puts anyone you get close to at risk. And just so you know we are with you no matter what, so cut the crap!" I said

" You have no idea what you're saying, I'm not changing my mind, we agreed that this was best." He said standing his ground.

" I didn't agree with anything " Team said for the first time.

" This is to keep you safe, why can't you understand that!" Win said to Team.

" Win, you say you want to protect him from getting hurt, but what you're doing is hurting him anyway." I jumped in.

" How am I hurting him?" He asked frustrated

" Do you really think the best solution
is sacrificing your relationship? I asked pointedly.

"I think it's what's best right now" he answered.

" If you believe that, really believe that, then look at your partner, look at how your action is affecting him." I said.

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