Chapter 16

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*Gulf Pov*

It's has been a few weeks since the swim meet where I saw Alex and Pear. I haven't forgotten about it, or the fact that Mew thinks they are up to something, it's left me a little paranoid.
I don't care mention this to him, I know he would worry.

For the past few weeks I have been a little busier tban usual, Team's birthday is coming up and I have been helping Win plan a surprise party for him. Mew hasnt been happy about it because it's less time we get to spend together but he understands.

The day of the party is here and we are all excited. Team has been bugging me for the past few days trying to find out if I know what Win is up to. So far I've done my part and kept everything a secret.

We are now all gathered, waiting for Win to bring Team to the location for his surprise. They both walk in and everybody yells surprise, Team is so shocked, it was awesome. I'm glad that he's happy and enjoying his party. We are all having a good time, when out the corner of my eye, I spot Alex and Pear walk in. I don't know who invited them, but, I already know this means trouble.

I quickly look over at Mew, he was busy talking with his friends and hadn't noticed yet. I thought if I could just get them to leave before he saw them, we could enjoy the rest of the party. I quickly walk over to them and ask Alex to talk outside, as I'm walking with him outside I share a glance with Win, so he keeps Pear and Mew occupied.

" So what do you want to talk about cutie?" Alex asked with a smirk on his face.

" Why are you here?" I get straight to the point.

" I was invited" he answers.

" Bullshit!! Who would invite you?" I ask getting frustrated.

" A friend of a friend. Why do you care?  Jealous?" He asked raising his brow at me.

" Look I don't know what your plan is here tonight and I don't care. This is a private party for my best friend and I want you to leave" I said sternly.

" What if I don't want to leave, what are you going to do about it?" He asked stepping closer.

" Are you purposefully trying to piss me off, right now!" I said through clenched teeth.

" Don't get cocky now that you're screwing the team captain! You have no idea who you're dealing with!" He said as he raised his voice and poked my chest.

I immediately got angry and was about to punch him, when he avoided my swing and shoved me in the pool. I felt like I was sinking, I was swallowing a lot of water. How can this be happening I thought, I'm on the damn swim team. Next thing I know everything goes black.

 Next thing I know everything goes black

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A/N:- oohh not good at all.....😞 Whatcha think????
See you next chapter 🙏

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