Chapter 15

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The rest of the trip was filled with fun for the whole team. It's was a few days to just unwind, especially for the two couples. Now it's been a few weeks since and all was good. They both still had their sulking but nothing that lasted too long. Gulf and Team kept asking questions about their boyfriends history on how they became Beasts. Mew and Win would give the best answer they could. They still couldn't believe they found people who were happy with them the way they were.

Mew and Win had been training the team strictly the past few weeks because they had a swim meet coming up on Saturday. Mew was particularly on edge because he was hosting another university, namely the one where Alex was the captain. Gulf tried to help him relax but it only lasted for a short time before he was on edge again.

It's now Saturday and everybody is excited about their races. Mew gave his encouragement speech to the team and everyone was pumped. Gulf noticed whenever Alex would look over their side, Mew made sure he was never too far from his side.

*Gulf Pov*

" Mew, are you going to be okay while you're in your race?" I asked.

" Ofcourse, why do you ask?" He answered.

" You haven't left my side since the other school, arrived, or should I say since, He arrived." I added.

" I'm not worried, I know you can handle yourself and me" he whispered the last part close to my ear. I smiled shyly trying not show the effects his words had on me.

" I'm glad you remember that, I may be your boyfriend, but I'm still a man" I added. 

Mew then moved to stand in front of me, so that it looked like we were just talking, when in fact, his breathing became a little labored and his eyes became lighter in color. These would only be noticeable because I was so close to him, after all it was for me.

" Baby, I am honored to be your boyfriend and after last night, I'm definitely never going to forget that you, are the man I love." He said with an arrogant smile.

Win called out to us, it was time for Mew's race to begin. He then took a deep breath, winked at me and left to take his place. I smiled, it was a silly one, as I watched the race with pride.

Shortly after the race began, Team walked over to where I was so that we could watch together.  He started jumping up and down when Win took the lead and then won, Mew came in second. We both went and congratulated the guys when they came out of the pool. The rest of the swim races ended similarly, it was neck and neck with our team winning the final race breaking the tie.

Most of the crowd had gone by now there was still a few people hanging around. Win and Team and waved a quick goodbye as soon as they got the chance. Mew and Gulf stayed back, because Mew had an interview with the school paper. The interview kept flirting shamelessly with him but was no interested and it showed. I smiled to myself and shook my head, knowing the poor girl was trying in vain.

" Gulf can you grab my medal, I think I left on the bench in the locker room and they want a picture." He asked.

" Sure" I said and then ran over to the locker room to grab it.

When I walked in, I saw the medal, but I heard a noise coming from the storage room area. I went around the corner and was shocked at what I saw. It was Pear and Alex, having quite a make out session. It was pretty heated. I quickly turned away before they saw me and ran back to where Mew was waiting.

He looked at me questionly, I'm pretty sure my face showed my shock and confusion. I smiled at him, to assure him I was fine so that he could finish his interview and not get distracted what I just witnessed.

Later as we were driving back to the his dorm, I kept staring out the window, the image of the two people still stuck in my head. I just couldn't understand it. After we walked into his room, Mew sat in the couch and pulled me into his lap.

" Gulf, would you like to tell me what has you so preoccupied" he asked.

" I don't know how to put it into words, because I can't explain it or understand it myself" I said as I made myself comfortable, snuggling on his chest.

" Did something happen at the swim meet?" Mew asked, while his hands gently rubbed my back.

" Well I saw something, that has me completely confused." I said.

" What did you see?" He asked as his hands moved up to massage the back of my neck.

" Ahhh...... I saw Alex and Pear making out" I said as I closed my eyes and moaned at his touch. Mew's hands stopped moving at the mention of the two.

" What?!" He said sounding shocked.

" Are you upset because of who it is or what they're doing?" I asked as I looked up at him.

" I'm not upset just shocked, didn't know they knew each other" he added.

" Me neither" I answered.

" I'm not sure how I feel about it, I do know I don't trust Alex, he's probably up to something" he said as he started thinking.

As he tilted his head in thought, I got distracted by his long neck, they way his eyebrows drew together when he was trying to figure something out. I loved watching as his lips moved when he spoke, as I was lost in thought about what I would like to do to those lips or what I want them to do to me, I realize he had said something.

" I'm sorry, what did you say?" I asked, hoping he didn't notice I was ogling him.

" Well I asked what you thought, but I can see you now have other things on your mind" Mew said as he pulled me back into his arms and kissed me.

I was shocked at first but I had no intention of stopping him. He started sucking and pulling seductively on my lips, I could feel my body getting hotter. I hesitantly pulled away to catch my breath, while keeping my eyes locked with his.

" Have I told you how much I love it  when your eyes and teeth change and you start nipping at my body all over." I say as I watch his eyes turn to a dark red from my words. Mew then grabs me up in his arms and carries me into the bedroom.

 Mew then grabs me up in his arms and carries me into the bedroom

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A/N:- Hey everyone loving the relationship between these two. I hope it stays that way....... but who knows.😜
See you next chapter.

P.s- I'm currently working on my second story, announcement coming soon.

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