Chapter 6

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*Gulf Pov*

The day had come for the swim team competition. Everybody was excited and energetic. We travelled to a nearby university for our competition because they had a larger facility. I was so nervous, this would be my first competition of this size. We were gathered around in a huddle as Mew wanted to give us a quick speech before the first race.
I stood there an listened to Mew talk about not over exerting ourselves. While he's talking all I can think is, Damn he looks good in just his swim trunks. I'm finding it really hard to concentrate on listening when this greek God looking man is standing in front of me. I mentally shake my head to snap myself out of it.
The races begin, Team and I won our races and Yacht came in second for his. The last race was the one that both Mew and Win were involved in. Win was walking up to his post, confidently brushing imaginary dirt off his shoulder, saying it was going to be a piece of cake. We all laughed at his playful arrogance. I looked over at Mew who just shooked his head and smiled at his friends shameless boasting, as he took his post next to Win. I noticed another guy, the captain from the hosting university team, looking at smirking at Mew, it wasn't a happy smirk, more smug and competitive. I hope he was planning to do anything during the race. Then just as I was about to look away, his gaze caught mine. Immediately his look turned into a lustful one. I quickly looked back over at my captain as the race was about to begin.
All the swimmers dived into the pool effortlessly, we watched and cheered as our seniors glided as if they were one with the water. Mew, Win and the other teams captain were neck and neck, it was thrilling to watch. Then on the last lap out of no where, Mew went just below the surface and when he resurfaced he was at the finish line. The whole stadium erupted in applause. Everyone was baffled by the expertise that went into the win. I was proud as hell, I meant not be his special someone but I felt like a proud partner in that moment. As everyone gathered around to congratulate him, I stood aside and watched as he climbed out of the pool. It became harder for me to breathe suddenly, as I watched the water droplets slowly fall down from his bright eyes, to his lips that now held a big smile, down his neck, down his well formed chest and perfect shaped six pack abdomen, and continue down his legs.

" Shit, everybody is going to see the effects this bloody man has on me if I don't walk away now" I mumbled to himself angrily.

" Damn it, Damn it, I need to hurry to the locker room fast." I hurriedly walked to the locker rooms, not noticing somebody following me.

" Excuse me?" I felt someone tap my shoulder just as I entered the entry of the locker room. I turned around to find the captain of the other swim team smiling at me.

" Yes ?" I answered, wondering why he followed me into the locker room.

" I want to tell you congrats on winning your race, your strokes were incredible" he said while looking me up and down.

" Thank you, I think....." I looked at him with a questioned look.

" I'm Alex, our school's team captain, if you ever want to talk strokes or just hang out, im always available" he stepped closer as he said the last part.

" No offense but, why would I need to talk to you about that?" I asked as I took a step back. I didn't like that he was in my personal space.

" Well we don't have to talk at all, just get to know each other better if you like" he smiled and reached his arm up to touch my arm.

I was surprised he was so forward, when I realized that he touched me I brushed his hand away.

" Alex, I'm not interested, but thank you" I turned to walk away, but he grabbed my arm.

" Don't say no so quickly, think about it, then let me know" he smiled while looking at my lustfully at my lips.

If a certain person were to look at me that way I would have melted right here in this spot. But the fact that it was Alex, and that he had now approached my personal space and touched me twice  was a big turn off. Frankly it was starting to piss me off. Just as I was about to tell him off a loud growl caught our attention. I looked over at the entrance and saw Mew, he looked as if he was about to pounce on Alex and rip him to shreds.

A/N:- Hey guys, sorry this chapter took me a minute to post, homeschool is kicking my butt lol. FYI since im still a newbie at this, I write, delete and rewrite all the time. Anyway see you next chapter. Btw Mew scared the crap out me too lol.

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