Chapter 18

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* Win Pov*

I can't believe this party has turned into such a disaster. I spent weeks planning the surprise for Team and it's ruined. I should have known Alex showing up was going to lead to problems. Now here I am trying to keep my best friend from killing this idiot. After calming him down a bit, I watch as he grabs his boyfriend and leaves.

Now I try not to be a violent person simply because it's one of my triggers. I'm always the peacemaker because, even though New is the one with the temper, I am the one with the violent past. I look over at the worried look on my boyfriend's face and signaled to him to get rid of the guests. While he's gone, I look at the dumbass in front of me, I take a deep breath....

" What the hell Alex!!" I said to him frustrated.

" Obviously it was an accident" he said.

" Was it? I heard you guys arguing, why do you always have to cause trouble?" I asked him.

" Hey, he asked to talk to me and then started getting upset" he said.

" You know, you guys always blame everything on me, remember I'm the one that keeps your dirty little secret" he said arrogantly.

" Listen you asshole, don't even try and blackmail me!" I added.

" I'll do what I want you can't do anything to me" he said with an ugly snarl.

" Don't be so sure, I can easily rip you to threads for what you did to my friends" I said to him.

" Oh really, what would your boy toy think if he saw you then huh" he said.

I know he's trying to provoke me and I'm trying to keep calm.

" I don't why you guys are so protective of those little nerds anyway. At least Gulf can defend himself, but yours is just useless to me" he said with a satisfied smirk.

That's when I lost it and saw red. I grabbed him by his shirt and started punching him, he was taking a few swings, but I felt nothing. I let him get a few punches in, then I knocked him so he fell on the ground. I jumped on him, my claws were out and I started punching and scratching at him, ripping his shirt to shreds.

Suddenly I felt someone trying to pull me off him. I swung my head around and growled, it was Team. It was like someone threw cold water on my head, the look of shock on his face. I watched him take a deep breath before he grabbed my hands and pulled me inside.

" I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to growl at you" I apologized.

" I know, I know, it wasn't directed at me." He said reassuringly.

I nodded, grateful he understood. My breathing was starting get back to normal when I looked down and saw my hands were bruised from the fight.

" Babe we need to go, I know you didn't mean to take it that far, but you almost killed him, so we have to get you out of here" he said.

" You're right im so sorry" I said as both of us hurriedly went back to my condo.

When we arrived I sat down on the bed with my head in my hands. I can't believe I was so reckless. Somebody could have seen me change and I could have exposed everything. I sit there lost in thought as I listen to Team in the bathroom washing up. Then my phone rings, I look over and it's Mew....

" Hey, it's pretty late, is Gulf ok?" I asked.

" He's sleeping right now, I'm still upset about Alex" he said.

" Don't worry about him, I took care of him" I said looking at my hands.

" What do you mean by that, Win?" He asked suspiciously.

" Relax nothing for you to worry about, you just focus on Gulf " I added to divert his suspicions.

He was quiet on the other end for a few minutes, before I heard him release a deep breath and say..

" Thank you, Win" he said finally.

" That's what friends are for right" I answered.

" Yeah I suppose, I'll talk to you later" he said.

" Goodnight" I answered then he hung up.

I know the conversation isn't over, but he's fine with my responses for tonight.

Team then walked out with the first aid kit. He sat beside me and started cleaning and dressing the bruises on my hands. When he was finished, he lifted my chin and showed the same attention to the bruises on my face.

" Babe, are you disappointed in me?" I asked.

" No but you need to be more careful" he said as he was finishing up.

" I know, I just lost when he said something about you. I guess I'm protective" I said looking down again.

" Win, if people know I'm your weakness, they can use that against you. Please be more careful and in control" he said as he caressed my cheek.

I closed my eyes and leaned in to his hand.

" That's true, I guess..... I'm sorry your birthday got ruined" I said as I looked up into his eyes.

" That's okay it was a great surprise. Thank you" he said as he leaned in and kissed me.

It was a gentle kiss at first, then I included my tongue in his mouth. We started to play with each other's tongue, it was getting really hot. My hands wrapped around his waist and I pulled him on to me so that he was straddling me. He then started kissing me deeper as he wrapped his arms around my neck. I moved my lips to his jaw, using my tongue to glide on his skin as I continue moving to sucking on his neck. He arched his back to give me more access to more of his neck.

I continued my journey, licking, sucking and nipping with my teeth, leaving little bite marks. He was moving his hips back and forth, and it was making me hard. I groaned and moved my hand down to grab and squeeze his butt cheeks. He stopped moving his hips and looked down at me....

" I think I need a shower" he said looking at me with half closed eyelids.

" Hmmmm, want some company?" I said smiling at him.

I watched as he climbed off my lap and stood in front of me. Then he started unbuttoning his shirt, which he dropped on the floor. He then walked over to the bathroom door and pulled down his pants and underwear leaving them on the floor. He stood in front of me completely naked, it was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen.

" Are you coming, I would like my birthday present please!" He said with big smile on his face.

I immediately jumped up and removed all my clothes, then I joined him in the bathroom. I lifted him up and placed him in the counter, then I proceeded to devour him. I was intent on granting his birthday wish.

A/N:- Hey everyone, thank you for continuing to read my little story

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A/N:- Hey everyone, thank you for continuing to read my little story. I would love having a friend like
Win. ☺
See you guys next chapter 💝😙

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