Chapter 7

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* Mew Pov*

Today's competition was a success, our team did an awesome job, especially Gulf. Gulf, we haven't spoken since that night. The night I knew one taste wasn't going to be enough. He has been avoiding me ever since, I wonder if he thinks it's a mistake. But then there are those times when I catch him looking at me and I think he may like me too. I haven't had a chance to talk with him, after practice, Pear usually shows up. Damn that girl is like a pest, no matter how many times I tell her I'm not interested, she insists she can change my mind. I'm trying to be a gentleman, but she is getting on my nerves.

Anyway as I look around for the one person that can complete my day with just a look, I don't see him anywhere with our teammates. I start looking around and thats when I see him walking to the locker room, and then I see Alex from this University's team following him. I quickly grab my jacket and put it on and walk towards the locker room.

"What the hell are you doing Alex?!" I stood at the entrance and couldn't believe what i was seeing. I tried to relax but seeing Alex touch Gulf so affectionatly did something to me, I saw red!

"We are having a private conversation. It's none of your business" he said as gave me a side glance, then turned and smiled at Gulf.

That all I remember, next thing I know I charged after him, grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the lockers. He tried to pull my hands off, but I was stronger.

"Get your hands off me you asshole, why do you care about me and him!" He struggled to speak because my grip was tightening. I made sure his eyes lined up with mine. I wanted him to make no mistake when I said what I was about to say.

" There is no you and him. He is mine, understand?" I made sure by slamming his head at each of the last words. As I did this Gulf was trying to pull my hands off but I couldn't control myself at the moment. Suddenly I picked up a scent, in my haze of red, it was familiar.

"Mew what are you doing! Put him down now!" Win rushed to help Gulf pull me off Alex.
I was still pissed, I growled no at him.

" He having trouble breathing, stop please." Win begged trying to pull my fingers from Alex's neck.

"Not until he understands" I growl back.

"Your eyes are starting to change, you're already angry, soon your nails will come out. This is not the time or place for you to be exposed" he growled angrily in my ear.

Win was right, I needed calm down before I really lose control. Just then I felt a touch on my face, then my head was being towards Gulf. He had grabbed my face to look at him. He held my face in both of his hands and held me in a state. It was as if he was talking to me with his eyes, soon I started to relax and calm my breathing, my hand started to loosen and eventually fall from holding Alex. His body slid to the floor as he tried to breath again normally. When he was able, I heard him get up and wall away. I know that won't be the last I see him.

Right now I couldn't tear my eyes away from the ones that were holding mine captive. Beautiful chocolate brown with lashes longer than I've ever seen had the power to make me soft like pudding. No one has ever had that effect on me, only Gulf. I liked it. Absolutely loved it. I don't know how long we stood there, I could hear someone clearing their throat. It was Win.

" Mew we have to go, I'll go round up the team, you guys meet us at the bus." He said then walked away.

" Are you calm now?" Gulf asked

I nodded my head yes. He lowered his hands from my face and already I felt the loss of something missing. I wish he could hold my face and look at me like that longer.
As soon as I closed my eyes and exhaled, I felt a strong punch across my jaw.

" What the hell Gulf! " I shouted as I held the spot that still hurt from his surprise hit.

" I belong to no one. Do you understand that?" He looked at me with anger now radiating from those same eyes that were soft just minutes before. He then put on his team jacket, grabbed his things and turned to walk out.

I grabbed his arm to stop him. He tried to pull away but I held on.

" Let me go Mew" he said as he tried to pull his hand away again. I held on tighter.

" I'm sorry, but we need to talk" I pleaded with him.

" Go talk to your girlfriend!" He spat the words at me while pouting.

Those pouting lips were the cutest thing I've ever seen. I pulled him harder this time and his body bumped into mine. I used the opportunity to lock him to me with both arms. He kept pouting and trying to get out of my hold.

"Gulf, what are you talking about, I don't have a girlfriend" I continued to hold him to me with one hand, while I used the other to turn his face to mine.

He angrily looked at me and said.
" She visits you after every practice and you both leave together wrapped in each other's arms " then he tried to look away but I held his face so that he can look at me when he hears what I'm about to say.

" Look at me" I say

" Look at me Gulf" I say again, this time he finally looks at me.

" I don't have a girlfriend. Pear is just a girl who is stubborn, but don't worry about her, she'll understand soon enough. Gulf I only have you, I only want you, I only need you." then I leaned in and softly kissed his lips.

I didn't want this kiss to get heated I just wanted him to feel how I felt. As I continued to kiss his lips softly, I hope that I was able to do that.

A/N:- Well Well.........., is all I have to say today. Stay safe. Hope you like it. 🙏💗

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