Chapter 17

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A/N:- First thing, I want to say my deepest thanks you for making it to 22k reads, without everyone's support I couldn't have made it this far. I 💘 you all.
Now back to business......

*Mew Pov*

I just finished talking to a few friends at the party, when I turned around looking for my favorite person. I looked around the room but he was nowhere in sight. Just as I was about to start looking for him, Win walks over to me...

" Nice party, right?" He said as he looked around.

" Yes, you guys did a great job, almost makes up for you stealing my boyfriend these past few weeks." I said as I was still looking around the room.

" As long as Team is happy, that's enough for me and totally worth it" he says as we both looked over at Team who had a big smile on his face. I looked over at Win, he was watching Team with the proudest smile on his face. It was nice to see my best friend happy.

There was a time when we thought we would never be able to enjoy this part of our lives because of what we were. It's a great feeling, with that thought I scan the crowd for my better half. Just then my ears pick up a conversation from outside, one of the voices belong to Gulf. One of our traits, is we can hear noises from long distances. I hear Gulf raising his voice, then suddenly I hear a big splash coming from outside. My heart starts to race as I rush outside, Win following behind me.

When I make it outside I see Alex on the deck and my anger flares, then I notice Gulf struggling, then he stops moving. I start to panic and dive right into the pool, to him. I grab Gulf, his body feels limp, he's unconscious and not moving. I swim over to the side where Team is waiting to help pull Gulf up. I hand his lifeless body to him, and climb out of the pool. I rush to his side, his eyes are closed. Team is panicking, he's calling Gulf and no answer. I lightly tap his cheeks to try and wake him up but he's not responding.

" Gulf, Gulf.... !!!" I call his name, but nothing.

" Gulf please open your eyes" Team begs him.

" Baby please open your eyes..." I beg, grabbing his cheeks. He's still not moving, my heart is aching seeing him like this. I look up and see Win walking over to Alex.

" Team stay with Gulf" I say without breaking eye contact.

I let out an angry growl, my eyes change and my nails come out as my anger surges and I charge at Alex full speed. Right before I reach him, Win jumps in front and tries to stop me, but all I see is red...

" Move Win, he's dead meat!!" I say trying to push past him.

" I know he deserves it, but not here,not now, there are people watching, and Gulf needs you" Win tries to reason with me.

I hear him but I'm still mad as hell but I know he's right. I reluctantly calm my animal side down, and look over to where Team is still trying to wake up Gulf. It hurts to see him lying there.

A thought pops into my head, on way I could possibly wake him up. I immediately run over to Gulf, and lift his head then I connect our lips. I use to hear stories from relatives about Beasts that could suck objects from inside bodies, right now I'm about to try to do it with water. I close my eyes and start sucking, trying my best to see if I can feel anything, I pray it works. Next thing I know I feel a bunch of water in my mouth, I lift up and spit, then joined our lips again, I keep sucking and repeating the process until I feel his lips moving on mine. I lifted my lips and pull him up, he starts coughing.

Team rushes to grab a towel and wraps it around him. I scoop Gulf up off the ground and sit with him im my lap.

" Baby.....Baby can you hear me?" I ask holding his face in my hands.

He coughs and nods that he can. I pull him into my arms and hold him, I release the breath I didn't realize I had been holding. He wraps his arms around my neck and I can feel how weak his body is. I pick him up and head for the car.

" I'm taking him home" I say as I leave.

I gently place him in the car and hurry to take him to my condo

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I gently place him in the car and hurry to take him to my condo. As soon as we arrive I quickly take him inside. As I carry him to my room, he nuzzles my neck and I can feel him shivering. I gently lay him on the bed and quickly take off his wet clothes. I hurry to get him into some dry ones and place him under the fluffy blanket on the bed. He lays down his limp body, with no resistance.

" I'm going to make you some tea, that will help you warm up, just rest, okay" I say as I turn to leave. Then I feel his hand grab mine and pull me down next to him.

" Wait" he says in the smallest voice.

" What's wrong, are you okay?" I ask worriedly.

" I am as long as you're near me." He says with a weak smile.

" You scared me" I say as I brush my fingers against his cheek.

" I'm sorry baby" he says as he closes his eyes and leans into my touch.

I can't believe I almost lost him, I can't get the image of him unconscious out of my head.

" I love you so much Gulf" I say as I lay my head on his chest.

" I love you too Mew" he says as he runs his fingers through my hair.

" Mew, there is something I need more than anything right now" he asks me. I look up at his face waiting.

" Of course anything" I answered.

" I'm not really in the mood for tea, can you just hold me until I fall asleep" he asks.

I nodded and moved up to lay down beside him, while I pull him to lay on my chest. I wrap my arms around him and he cuddles up to me, and closes his eyes. I lay there listening to his heart beat, it's the most soothing sound I have ever heard and I'm so happy to hear it at this moment.

A/N:- I'm thankful Gulf's okay, I was getting worried myself...
See you next chapter💝😍

See you next chapter💝😍

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