Chapter 11

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Mew and Gulf kept kissing each other. Mew hands moved to grab Gulfs hips, then he lifted him and pressed his back against the wall, while Gulf wrapped his legs around his waist. Mew couldn't get enough of Gulfs taste, so he slowly started licking along his jawline, leaving little kisses along the way as he moved down his neck, while his hands were busy squeezing Gulfs butt cheeks.

Gulf then grabbed Mew hair to keep him at that spot that was driving him crazy. Just as Mew started to move down to his collarbone, there was a knock at the door. First he was going to pretend he didn't hear anything, but then he heard his friends worried voice calling....

" Mew are you in there, are you okay?"
Win called out as he knocked at the same time.

Mew pulled his lips from Gulf but kept their foreheads together while they caught their breaths.

" We really should get that, we can finish later" Gulf said as he slid his legs down to stand on the floor.

Mew raised a brow, nodded and made sure they were decent before going to open the door.

"Mew, what happened, are you okay?" Win walked in asking, while looking between the two men.

" Im okay now, but let's talk on the patio" he said to Win.

" I'll be right back" he said to Gulf before walking away with Win.

" Correct me if I'm wrong but do you feel like their hiding something from us" Gulf turned at the voice to find Team standing in doorway about to close the front door.

" Oh, when did you get here" Gulf asked, he didn't even notice when his friend had walked in behind Win.

" That's because you're too focused on your man, lol" Team teased.

" Whatever, let's get some snacks ready and make the best of the day, im sure we'll get some answers when they get back." Gulf said as he and Team went to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, on the patio Mew was telling Win about how he almost exposed himself infront of Gulf.

" Ok Mew, what happened to trigger your sudden change? We're you guys arguing?" Win asked.

" Not at all, actually I was surprised to see him here, he said he missed me and called me his boyfriend, then I don't know why but my heart started racing then and wouldn't slow down" he said just as confused as before.

Win couldn't help himself, he burst out with laughter, sometimes his friend could be so clueless. Mew looked at him with a death stare.

" Sorry, sorry, before I say why im laughing, let me ask you this, how did you calm yourself down after you called me?" Win asked while trying to control his laughing.

" Actually it was Gulf who calmed me down with his own methods" Mew said as he smiled shyly looking away then.

" Oh I see, Ok so are we going to tell them, because we may not always be close to each other to help?" Win asked.

" Good point, I'm just nervous I guess" Mew said looking inside at the guys while they prepared the snacks.

" Look Mew, at some point in our lives we are going to meet the one that holds our heart, when we do we have to share all our secrets with them" Win said giving his friend an assuring smile.

" Win, have you met that person?" Mew asked as he folded his arms across his chest and looked at his best friend.

Normally Win was not so cheesy with his words, so he was a little surprised by his statement just now. He wondered if he would admit he was dating the young junior or keep being secretive even with him.

" I think when that person scolds me for thinking my condition affects their feelings, I have met my match." Win adds smiling as he remembered that day.

" Say no more, let's go inside before Gulf starts to worry" Mew said as he turned to go back inside.

" I can't believe my bestfriend is so whipped" Win laughed behind him.

" Don't make me kick your ass Win! At least I'm not the only one" Mew smiles to himself as he mumbled the last part.

" Hey guys what you got here, looks yummy" Win walked over to Team licking his lips.

Mew sat down at the table next to Gulf and draped his arm on the back of his chair. Then he started playing with his hair, allowing the soft strands to glide smoothly through his fingers.

Gulf was loving every touch he was receiving but right now was not the time to stir things up when they had guests and needed to talk about what happened earlier.

" Mew, knock it off, we need to eat and then talk"  he turned to look at him then.

Mew's hands stopped, when Gulf said they needed to talk. Win and Team just kept eating, while avoiding the tension that suddenly appeared in the room. This was supposed to be a fun hangout. Thirty minutes went by and nobody said a word, then Gulf released a frustrated sigh and looked at Mew.

" Are you ready to talk or what? What exactly is going on with you?" Gulf asked as he looked at him.

Mew really wished they could skip over this part and get back to their unfinished business. He took a deep breathe and just spit it out...

" I'm a Beast" Mew kept his head down afraid of what he would see when he looked at Gulf.

After a few moments he heard nothing, not a word from him or their friends. He looked up first at his friends, who were pretending to be more interested in their food, then He looked over at Gulf. His face was expressionless, as if he didn't hear him.

" Did you hear me Gulf?" Mew asked.

"I did, but I'm waiting for you to tell me the real reason, you scared the life out of me before." Gulf added as he leaned back in the chair and waited.

Mew was shocked, he expected more of a reaction out of him.

"Wait you're not surprised, shocked, you must have a million questions?" Mew asked nervously.

" Actually I'm not freaked out, if that's what you mean. I've heard of stranger things in my life" he chuckled then started to clear the dishes from the table. As he walked away Mew stopped him....

" Babe wait, this doesn't bother you, who, I mean what I am?" He asked completely confused at the moment.

He was finding it hard to believe Gulf was okay with this. He watched as Gulf, sighed and put the plates back on the table. He walked over to him and held his face with both of his hands, and looked at him with loving eyes when he said....

" I'm only gonna say this one time, so pay attention, got it. I don't care who or what you are, all that matters is how we feel about each other. I love you, you ass, I wouldn't be here if I didn't." Gulf then kissed Mew on the lips and continued to take the plates to the kitchen.

Mew just stood rooted in the spot not able to move. He was speechless and overwhelmed. He was never more sure that he found the love of his life than right this moment.

A/N : Hey all, sorry this chapter might not be the same as the others, my head is not my own these days. Hope you enjoy, thank you so much for reading my little story. Stay healthy, stay safe.💗🙏

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