Chapter 21

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Mew P.O.V

As I walked back to the car I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that whatever Gulf had to talk to me about was not good. Just as I was about to open the car door, I heard something, it was Win, there was something wrong.

" Wait, we need to go back the other way, Win just called me through our mind link" I said.

Then without hesitation Gulf came and joined me as we ran to where they had parked.

As we rounded the corner I saw Win standing next to his car with Team close behind him. As I got closer I picked up a sent of something, but not quite sure what.

" Hey you two get in the car and lock the doors" I said to Gulf and Team.

" But...." Gulf started

" No buts... Just do it!!" I said a little too sternly.

" I was just going to say we need the keys first" Gulf responded a little annoyed at the way I spoke to him.

" Babe...." Team called out to Win who just seemed to snap out of his thoughts when he heard Teams voice.

He walked over and handed him the keys, whispered something, then Team and Gulf opened the car, got in and locked the doors while watching watching what's happening outside.

Suddenly three shadows showed up out of the darkness, then as they moved closer it became clearer who it was, Alex.

" What are you doing here?" I asked.

" I came to see my favorite person, heard he was in the area" he said as he smiled and waved at Gulf. I moved to block his view while looking at him sternly.

" Seriously!" Win said frustrated.

" This doesn't concern you, you and I have separate business" Alex answered.

" Bullshit!! " Win said as he moved closer.

" Enough!!" I said as I moved my arm up to stop Win for moving any closer.

I looked at Alex and took a deep breath, I knew I needed to approach him a different way or else this would end up the wrong way. So I took a step right in front of his face, he looked me straight in the eye not backing down.

" Alex, I know you're angry but you need to go home. Mom is worried out of her mind. No matter what I say it doesn't matter, she needs to see you for herself." I watched as his nostrils flared but he remained calm and didn't break eye contact.

" Stay out of my business" he growled under his breath.

An outsider would be nervous watching us but I'm not scared.

" You are my I know you're angry at me, that's fine, but don't punish our mother because of it" I said then stepped back.

I watched as his eyes changed to a blue marble swirl . Before I knew it the air around us picked up speed and started to spin. This always happens when he gets upset. Whenever he can't control his emotions, he takes out his frustrations in his surroundings.

The wind and debris picked up and swirled until there was a tornado like funnel around just him and me.

" Alex...... Calm down please..... Just take deep breaths" I say to him just like when he was younger and he would get upset.

He closed his eyes and took deep breaths, then slowly the funnel died down. When he opened his eyes to look at me, for a split second I saw regret, then it changed to anger again. Then he turned and stormed off followed by his friends.

Just as I released the breath I didn't even realize I was holding, Win came to stand by me.

" I know that was hard for you but you do know why he's acting out right?" He asked me.

" I know what I did was wrong, blurting that out while I was angry was wrong, but he won't even give me a chance to apologize, he just distances himself further from me and the family" I said looking down in defeat.

" Just keep trying you'll get through, you guys used to have a strong bond, I think it's still there, he's just hurt. Come on let's get the boys home" he said as he patted my back.

I just nodded and followed, feeling the weight of the world was on my shoulders.

I just nodded and followed, feeling the weight of the world was on my shoulders

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A/N: Family misunderstandings are common. I'm rooting for ya!!

Hey all, just wanted to say welcome to the new readers and to my friends that have stayed with my little story...... thank you, your patience, understanding and dedication is more than I could hope for.☺☺☺💗💗💗
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