Chapter 8

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It's been two weeks since the swim competition and Mew and Gulf have been inseparable. They would have breakfast before morning practice, then they would have lunch and sometimes have dinner if they were not meeting with friends.
Mew, Gulf, Win and Team were having lunch together,when someone called out to Mew.

" Mewww, darling!" They all turned around to see who it was, it was Pear, she walling towards their table.

They hadn't mentioned her again since that night. Mew had said that he would straighten things out with her but she had gone out town when they while they were competing. As soon as Gulf saw her his smile turned into a frown and he kept his head down to stare at his food.

" Hey Mew, I just got back and heard your team won. I'm so proud of you." She leaned to him but he moved away.

"What do you want Pear?" Mew tried to sound polite.

" I missed you and wanted to see you. Anyway I know it's tradition for you guys to go on a trip to celebrate, so I wanted to ask what I should pack?" She smiled sweetly at him.

Just as she said this Win spit out the water he was drinking, everybody turned to look at him.

" Im sorry, I was just surprised" he said as he looked over at Mew, who he could tell was shocked as well but remained calm.

Gulf tried to get up, but he forgot that Mew had been holding his hand under the table, so when he got up every one including Pear saw that they were still connected. Mew tugged on his hand, indicating he wanted him to stay. Gulf looked at Mew and they stared at each other for while until somebody cleared their throat breaking them out of their trance. Gulf then sat back down, while still holding Mew's hand.

Pear looked back and forth between the two men, she could tell something more than friendship was going on.

" What's going?" she said to Mew.

"And why are you surprised?" She said to Win.

Mew had not taken his eyes off Gulf, while Pear was talking. He squeezed his hand and  reassured him with a smile. Gulf nodded and smiled back.

"Pear the reason everyone is surprised, is because you just asked about our team trip. Who told you, you were invited?" He asked her.

Everyone watched as she walked closer to Mew.

" I thought we could have some time together alone" she whispered.

Mew released a frustrated breath and looked at Pear with a death like glare. He had just hit his limit with her antics.

" Look Pear, I've put with a lot from you, but this has gone too far. You know I'm with somebody else, yet you're still pursuing me."

"But Mew, I've never seen you with anybody but your teammates, why are you upset? I assumed you made that up" she said trying to look sad.

" Why would I make that up, I have nothing to hide. Another thing nobody invited you. Our trip is for teammates only." He said emphasizing the last word.

" I know sometimes you guys bring your girlfriends too" she said smiling again.

" Which you are not, so what we do is not your business. And please stop flirting with me, it's a big turn off and your pissing off my boyfriend" he added.

Mew watched her expression change  from a sweet smile to a tight line on her lips. He smiled thinking, he was not done with her yet.

"What boyfriend, what are you talking about?" She asked angrily now.

" Oh I guess you were too full of yourself to notice, well let me make it clear for you"

Mew then released Gulfs hand and wrapped both his hands around his waist. Then he rested his head on Gulfs back and smiled. Mew lifted his head and looked at Gulf while he spoke to Pear.

" This handsome man, with the sexist lips I have ever seen, is my boyfriend Gulf. I only have eyes for him."

Mew kept looking into Gulfs eyes, then he looked at his lips. Heavens help him he could devour them right now, but he had to hold back, this was not the time.

" You can't be serious Mew, I can't believe you" she looked back and forth between the two guys,they seem to be in their own world. She huffed and stomped away.

Team then called out to the couple who seem to be more interested in each other before they went any further.

" Guys knock it off, Pear just left looking very upset and mad as hell" he said to them.

" Why did you do that just now, telling her that I'm boyfriend, I didn't agree to that" Gulf said crossing his arms and looking away.

" Well I needed to make things clear to her, you agreed, you even got jealous, besides I want only you, the label doesn't matter to me" he said to Gulf.

" Did it occur to you to ask me about what I want?" He turned and asked Mew.

Mew was caught off guard, he thought they were on the same page.

" Wait..." Mew released Gulfs waist and turned himself fully to look at Gulf.

He noticed something else in his eyes, uncertainty. He hoped he wasnt having doubts because of Pear.

" Gulf, are you having second thoughts about you and me?" He asked nervously. He doesn't know what he would do if Gulf said he did.

" Mew..." Gulf turned to Mew and held his hand.

" I'm not sure how I feel about us, honestly, things are going a bit fast for me and I've never felt like this before. Can you give me some time?" He squeezed Mew's hand as he spoke.

Mew was disappointed, he wanted to Gulf to be the one, but he knew he had to wait until he felt the same. This would be hard for him, he would have to step back and give him the time he needs. So he took a breath and agreed even though it hurt like hell.

" Of course, I may not like it, but I understand. I want you to want me as much as I want you Gulf, I'll wait however long you need." He smiled back, then lifted Gulfs hand that was still holding his and kiss it.

The four guys then got up and went to class. Mew and Gulf were walking ahead, each in their own thoughts.

Win looked over at Team and smiled.

" Don't even think about it, pervert" Team said as he looked back at him.

Win just kept smiling mischievously while looking at Team from head to toe.

" You think you know me so well huh?" Win finally said.

"I'm going to class, see you later." He quickly walked away.

Win just smiled to himself thinking he definitely doesn't mind watching Team walk away, he loved the view of his behind.

A/N: Hi guys sorry this one is so long, I wanted to take care of a few things before our couple moves to the next step. See you next chapter 🙏💗

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