Chapter 4

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Mew woke up with a smile on his face as he remembered what happened yesterday. He can't believe he actually made out with his junior, he barely knew the boy, but something about him pulled him in. It was as if the attraction was so strong he was unable to help himself. He thought to himself that he was being ridiculous, it was just an attraction nothing more.
Mew decided to skip morning practice , he needed to organize his thoughts before he saw the junior. He decided to have breakfast in the cafeteria. As he sat down to eat, he was unaware somebody had approached him until they spoke.

" Hi Mew, I'm Pear, can I join you?" she smiled shyly.

Mew smiled back, thinking where did this girl even come from. He sighed and motioned her to go ahead, he didn't want to seem rude.

" Why do you want to sit here?" he asked curiously. Everyone around campus knew he was a private person and had a small tight circle of friends.

"Well I've noticed your status is single on facebook and I wanted to ask if you would like to go out with me?" she asked nervously while looking down at her hands.

Mew was shocked, here he was thinking about his enchanting junior that he had the most heart racing kiss with yesterday and this comes today and asks him out. He feels like a glass of cold water was splashed on his face. The girl seemed nice enough but his mind was already occupied with someone else. Damn, he thought, he shouldn't have missed practice. He turned towards the girl and took a deep breath, hoping what he as about to say didn't come out the wrong way.

"Look I appreciate the courage it took for you to approach someone you don't know, but you really shouldn't assume because my status on Facebook says that I'm single, means that I am. I've already got somebody that I'm interested in. Also by the way, I like to be the one who makes the first move when I like some body not the other way around." he smiled, gathered his things and went to class.
As he walked away, he looked back and noticed the girl looked confused, like age was trying to understand what he just said, then when it clicked she looked at him shocked. Mew just smiled and kept walking away.

A/N:- Ok, I'm not sure about this one but wanted to introduce a little trouble. Ms. Pear won't stop pursuing that easily.
Tell me what you think. Idk

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