Chapter 19

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Gulf Pov

It's been a month since the incident at Teams birthday party. Mew has been very clingy. It's not that I don't appreciate all the attention but he's driving me crazy with it. He follows me everywhere, the only time we are apart is when I have classes or he has meetings for swim club with the teachers. Even when he does come home he sticks to me like glue. I know what happened must have scared him but he's starting to annoy the hell out of me. Even now we are getting ready for school and he's looking irritated because I told him I have a project later and I'll be back late. He's actually mad that he can't join us.

" Are you ready babe" Mew asked with his back to me.
" Yea, I can go ahead and wait for you by the car" I start to grab my things.
" Wait!, we'll walk out together" he answered.
" So close" I sigh and roll my eyes.
We drive mostly in silence with each of us talking here and there. Our relationship has definitely changed and I don't like it.

When we arrive at school, we see Win and Team arguing about something. Both Mew and I look at each other wondering if we should get involved. Then we silently nod at each other before we walk over.
" Hey guys, everything okay?" I asked.
" Everything is fine" Win answered looking upset at Team. I then look at Team who looks at me and nods.
" Yea, fine. Let's go Gulf we got class" he said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me away. I waved at Mew as I was dragged away. I saw Win turn and walk away with Mew following close behind. Hopefully he can figure out what's going on, but just in case I intend to get something out of Team.
" Ok quit pulling, and tell me what is going with you two..." I ask as we sit in class.
" I don't want to talk about it, it's nothing anyway" he answered while avoiding eye contact with me.

I knew that meant it had something do with me in some way. Now im more determined. Team and I have been friends for a long time and we have signals for when we are in trouble or when we need to vent, so I'm about to use one to get him to talk.
" I don't feel so good" I say as I hold my chest. He looks at me suspiciously.
" I'm having a hard time breathing" I say as I gasping for air. I make sure to make a big deal so that he has to take me to the clinic.
When we get to clinic, I get placed in a room and told to breathe into the ventilator for couple minutes then rest. After the nurse leaves, I close my eyes and breathe in. Then I hear Team say...
" I know what you're doing Gulf..." He said frustrated. I don't respond because I want him to keep talking.
" You're really a pain in my ass you know that" he says. He huffs frustrated and then sits in the chair next to my bed.
" Team wants us to take a break because of what happened..." He says .
" What!!" I shout but it comes out muffled because of the ventilator which I realize and then remove it from my face.
" Team, why would he want that, I don't understand?" I ask.
Team looks at me with sadness and continues to tell me what happened after Mew took me home that night. They all had refused to talk about that night so I was surprised to hear about what happened.
" Look we all need to just sit down and lay everything on the table, I definitely will not be the reason that you guys break up"
Team looks at me and was about to say something but I put my hand up to stop him.
" I mean it, we are dealing with this now, no excuses. Call Win, you know what never mind, I'll do it."
I then called Win and invited him to dinner, then I did the same with Mew. I wasn't looking forward to tonight but we had to get it over with.
" Ok all set, now that's settled, we can go back to class. "
Team just shook his head and helped me off the bed and back to class.

 " Team just shook his head and helped me off the bed and back to class

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A/N : Hello everyone, been miss you. Let's get right down to business 💪.  I'm excited to start relaxing again. Hopefully 😉
See you next chapter!

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